911…From A Different View Point

911…From A Different View Point by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

We are not here to taint your memories or bring shame to this tragic day. A great many of our family and friends died on this day in 2001 and that we honor. We also question a corrupt government who is known for hurting their own citizens, who has just recently been exposed as being so vile they will actually rescue foreign nationals while leaving behind our family and friends in a hostile environment. This is the reason we are publishing these different views.

We all have our thoughts, pain and memories of what happened on Sept.11, 2001. These, in most people, will never change, they have become part of each individuals ideals.

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We are not attempting to change anyone’s mind, as we believe that is next to impossible. If you will allow us a few moments we just ask the information below be considered. The failure of the federal government was fully exposed during this tragic event. The failures since this tragic event are many and most of them glaring. The most recent is the failure of the handling of the pandemic which is now interlaced with the epic failure of the exit from Afghanistan – which brings us full circle to the failure of this day, September 11 – which we sold an attack on Afghanistan would bring closure to the attack on the Twin Towers. We, sadly, are still looking for that closure.

Please watch this as quickly as possible as we believe Twitter will remove it – if someone publishes this as a standalone video we will add that video to this thread.

We have questioned the legitimacy of Donald Trump from the very beginning. We support most of what he did while in office, but there has always been questions in the back of our mind regarding his role as President. Was he just another puppet installed like Biden, Obama, the Bushes and Clinton? The more closely one looks the stronger this idea becomes.

For those that think independently here’s a little fuel for the fire. Once again, we are not telling you what to think, we are only asking that you question and think for yourself. Jesus Christ demands that we think for ourselves and bind our mind to His mind. We are to honor the mind that God gave us and use His mind for His purpose. If we allow others to do our thinking for us we can not honor God. One of the greatest gifts to humanity, other than the Holy Spirit, is our imagination – the place of independent thought, if we simply accept what we are told.

It’s a big club and we ain’t in it.

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