There Is No Turning Back After This

There Is No Turning Back After This by for The Economic Collapse Blog

This is the most sickening thing that Joe Biden has ever done.  That is saying a lot, because Biden has a long history of doing sickening things.  For the past couple of hours I have been trying to find the right words to put what we just witnessed into proper perspective.  This truly is one of the most pivotal moments in American history, and there will be no turning back after this.  We are descending into full-blown tyranny, and I have literally felt sick to my stomach as I have pondered the ramifications.  What remained of the country that so many of us once loved is being absolutely eviscerated, and it is deeply heartbreaking to watch it happen.

The new mandates that Biden has decided to impose on the entire country aren’t just un-American.  The word “evil” gets thrown around a lot these days, but in this case it perfectly fits the situation.

No government has the right to try to put something into your body by force.  Many have pointed out that such mandates are uncomfortably close to physical rape, and there is absolutely no place for such mandates in a free and just society.

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According to CNN, Biden’s offensive new mandates “could apply to as many as 100 million Americans”, but I have a feeling that the true number could be even higher than that.

Biden’s new mandates apply to all federal employees and contractors, anyone that works at any business that has 100 or more employees, and to the entire health care industry.

Previously, the Biden administration had allowed federal workers that didn’t want to be vaccinated the option of submitting to regular testing instead, but now the option for testing is out the window

President Biden on Thursday signed an executive order mandating that all federal employees and contractors get vaccinated against COVID-19, with no exceptions for those who agree to regular testing for the virus, according to a source familiar with the plans.

Vast numbers of federal employees will now be faced with the heartbreaking choice of either taking an injection that they do not want or giving up their careers.

But Biden didn’t stop there.

Shockingly, he has decided to target more than 80 million Americans that work for large companies that employ at least 100 workers.  The following comes from the official White House website

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