I found these two stories so disturbing I had to blog about both of them together, because rest assured, the lamestream Project Mockingbird propatainment media won’t cover the stories. The first, shared by Y.C., concerns a woman who received the Pfizer injection, and developed Creuzfeld-Jacob’s disease, essentially, mad-cow disease, and died:

Woman Dies from CJD (Prions in Brain) 3 months after COVID Vax

In a moment of lucidity during the decay of her brain function, the victim made it clear what she thought was the origin of the illness:

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Cheryl Cohen, a healthy 64-year-old woman from Florida, died three months after her second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. According to Chery’s daughter, Gianni Cohen, her mother suddenly developed Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) — a rare, degenerative and fatal brain disorder — soon after she was vaccinated.

Gianni said her mother received the first dose of Pfizer on April 5, and her second dose on April 25.

On May 6, Cheryl experienced her first episode indicating “something was neurologically wrong,” Gianni explained. “She had extreme brain fog and confusion. She couldn’t remember where she was driving, and got really scared.”

On May 31, Cheryl called 911 because she was experiencing a severe headache. She was taken to Nordstrom Medical Center in Homestead, Florida, where she was hospitalized for 10 days.

Around June 19, Cheryl experienced another severe headache, which became so bad she felt her head was going to explode, so she went to the emergency room and was admitted to the hospital, her daughter explained.

“A few days later, I visited her in the hospital and I couldn’t believe my eyes,” Gianni said. “She couldn’t walk, spoke in broken sentences, wasn’t making much sense, had uncontrollable body movements, was trembling and unable to be still.”

Cheryl was hospitalized for a month before she received her diagnosis of CJD. During that time “it was literally like watching something eat her brain alive,” Gianni said. “While shaking, she managed to get out the words, ‘This is fucking stupid.’”

I said, ‘Mom, is this the vaccine?’ and she said, “yep.”

Gianni said she was surprised when she found out her mother had been vaccinated, as she comes from a family of un-vaxxers. She believes like many Americans, her mother felt pressured to get vaccinated because of her job and the media pressure. (Boldface emphasis added)

Now I don’t know about you, but a healthy woman, who takes an experimental injection, and then develops Creuzfeld-Jacob’s and dies, and who herself blames the injection, is significant. Indeed, I have mentioned in various blogs on the planscamdemic, various scientific papers on the injections warning about the dangers of prion disease. What interests me here, however, is her daughter’s belief that her mother received the injection “because of her job and media pressure.”  While I’m not an attorney, I have been warning that such pressures and results may be actionable at law, for while the pharma companies have conveniently exempted themselves from such action at law, the national and local media and corporations promoting quackcine mandates or constantly urging the injections are not exempt.

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