Defeating the Demon of Debt With Supernatural Warfare Strategies

Defeating the Demon of Debt With Supernatural Warfare Strategies by JENNIFER LECLAIRE Charisma News

When my husband abandoned the family, he left us with mountains of debt. Yes, mountains. There was credit card debt, IRS debt, student loan debt. Debt, debt and more debt.

I couldn’t get a credit card. I couldn’t get a car loan. I couldn’t buy a house. I was in bondage to a Babylonian economic system that had me spinning my wheels and running in circles. The future looked grim.

Thanks be to God, He delivered me from financial bondage. Today I own four properties and am 100% debt-free. I do not serve Mammon; Mammon serves me. The credit card companies and banks pay me. As Dave Ramsey always said, becoming debt-free is the fastest way to obtain wealth.

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Are You Drowning in Debt?

God wants you out of debt! Romans 13:8a says plainly, “Owe no one anything, except to love one another.” But most people in America and around the world are in extreme debt. For example, the average debt level in America is $92,727, according to Bank Rate. In total, American consumers owe $14.2 trillion in debt.

Debt can be dangerous. Debt requires you to transfer your future to your creditors. Debt eliminates your options in life. Debt costs money. Debt encourages you to spend more than you can afford. Debt is borrowing from your future income.

High interest rate debt causes you to pay more than the item costs. Debt keeps you from accomplishing your financial goals. Debt can keep you from owning a home. Debt can lead to stress and serious medical problems. Debt can hurt your marriage. Debt hurts your credit score.

But why is debt a problem from a biblical perspective? Proverbs 22:7 tells us, “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” And Jesus said in Matthew 6:24, “No one can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. you cannot serve God and money.”

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