Normally I do not comment much in the main blogs about the planscamdemic, but rather, simply include articles about it in my weekly “honourable mentions.”  There are many reasons for this, and it is not because I do not think the story is not important. Quite the contrary.  But the bottom line is, ever since this story broke, I’ve viewed it as precisely what I’ve characterized it as, a “planscamdemic.”  This is not to say that covid deaths are not real, nor horrific. It is to say that at the minimum, it was used as a crisis of opportunity to do two things: (1) create massive profits for big pharma, and (2) to run a global experiment on gene therapy, by taking an injection that is highly experimental, whose long range effects we do not know, and which may be the equivalent of a biological “operating system” having little to do with health and everything to do with control. I also mean by the term that the adverse reactions – and deaths – from the injections are every bit as horrific as the deaths from the virus itself, and by some statistics more numerous.  As the whole scam has been reported over the past two years, one concern that emerged early on was the ingredients in some of them, which brings me to today’s blog shared by P.T.;  Japan, it seems, has recalled over a million of the injections because of “contaminants”:

1.6m Moderna doses withdrawn in Japan over contamination

Now note carefully what this article actually says:

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About 1.6 million doses of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine have been taken out of use in Japan because of contamination reported in some vials, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said early Thursday.

Several vaccination centers have reported that vaccine vials contained foreign matter, according to an announcement from the ministry, which added it will seek to minimize the impact of the withdrawal on the country’s inoculation program.

The ministry said later in the day that the substance that had been mixed in may have been metal. “It’s a substance that reacts to magnets,” a ministry official said. “It could be metal.” (Boldface emphasis added)

Note also this:

The Japanese ministry has not halted the use of Moderna vaccines in other batches, deeming them safe.

And this:

Nasdaq-listed Moderna confirmed receiving “several complaints of particulate matter” in vaccine vials distributed in Japan but said it had found “no safety or efficacy issues” related to these reports.

“The company is investigating the reports and remains committed to working transparently and expeditiously with its partner, Takeda, and regulators to address any potential concerns,” a Moderna spokesperson told Nikkei, saying the drugmaker believed a “manufacturing issue” at a plant in Spain was the cause.

One thing that emerges from this Japanese report is that the stories one has heard about magnets sticking to people who have been injected may have a basis in truth.

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