The Game in Review

The Game in Review by James Howard Kunstler

The upcoming twentieth anniversary of 9/11 is soon upon us and the horrifying videos are back in your face. Whatever way the twin towers came down — and, personally, I think those airplanes got’er done — the demolition provides a potent image for what is happening now: smoke billows out of the top floors, rather like a person with his hair on fire… and then each giant structure slumps into total collapse, sending shock-waves of toxic dust through the desecrated dwelling place of civilization, the city. That’s us in metaphor… like I said: now.

America’s hair is on fire. A chimeric lab virus apparently funded by our own government has been on-the-loose since January 2020. Supposedly, that is. It’s a little hard to tell because, especially in the early going, a lot of very old and unwell people died — as the very old and unwell do — and a Covid-19 tag was slapped on their death certificates, and that primed the hysteria pump that is still pumping away heroically. A Covid-19 virus may indeed be running through the population, but 98.8 percent do not die from it and, as Covid-19 came on, the usual seasonal flu apparently went on sabbatical. Go figure.

The ignited hysteria was reinforced by a PCR test routine that could produce Covid-19 “cases” on-demand, and still does — even though the government had to admit that the test was unreliable and ordered it discontinued (effective, wait for it, December 2021… really?). Meanwhile, the cases keep coming… as ascertained by what means exactly? PCR tests, still? Or what?

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About twenty minutes after the virus came on the scene, a vaccine magically materialized in the pharma labs. And after a completely half-assed testing routine, it was commissioned with an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), which permitted a wholesale vax-up of the whole population, and provided legal immunity from lawsuits for the pharma companies involved. The public greeted it with a grateful awe usually reserved for religious visitations. Treatment protocols with existing drugs were bad-mouthed and then officially suppressed. They had to be — and still have to be — to maintain that EUA, because the vaxes are not approved by the FDA (despite a recent FDA psy-op to fake-out the public otherwise).

Meanwhile, adverse reactions to the vaxes are literally off-the-charts (the decades-long vaccine safety charts, that is) and those numbers have been likewise suppressed. There are also plenty of reasons to suppose the vaxes create stealth vascular damage to multiple organs that could lead to death over a few years’ time. The prudent have taken note. The prudent are now in for getting cancelled out of daily life for their prudence. Most of these people are onto the game that is being played on them. They must be punished.

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