This Guy Is Senile and Can the Media Stop Pretending He’s Not?

This Guy Is Senile and Can the Media Stop Pretending He’s Not? by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall

Look, Biden is senile. He was always stupid, and always stubbornly attached to whatever dumb ideas formed in the spongy mass of cells that passes for his brain, but now it’s perfectly clear that this guy is riding the Acela Express to Dementiaville. And the media, sitting front row on what could be the biggest story in political history, just sort of pretends that the guy who is one forgotten Depends short of wetting himself on national television is A-OK.

But the job of the licensed, registered regime media is not to break stories, no matter how big. It’s to run interference for its masters. In the run up to the last election, our courageous reporters studiously ignored the computer files and videos showing *’s son Hoover getting all Pablo Escobar with his hookers, as well as being bought off by Ukrainians, Chi Coms, and anyone else who waved a dollar at him. That was Russian disinformation, we were informed by our glorious media. So, is Putin also behind Biden wandering off to chase squirrels in the Rose Garden?

Just listen to the guy on the rare occasions they pump him up with drugs and let him talk. His Afghanistan victory lap – though it was the eager liberal blue checks that did the lapping – was a bizarre Escher monologue: “Our intel people did a great job but no one saw this coming and it was the greatest evacuation ever and also it was all Trump’s fault.”

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He’s a mess, yet the only person we ever see committing felony journalism is Peter Doocy of Fox, much to the dismay of the rest of the reporters. They are all busy competing for the big scoop about the flavor of the latest big scoop of ice cream Dr. Jill let’s Grandpa Badfinger stick in his talkhole.

It was the same with the reporters back in Camelot – which President Kennedy did with the full knowledge of his reporter pals. Maybe it’s a bad idea for the prezzy to get busy with gangsters’ molls, and perhaps boffing White House staffers two at a time in the pool isn’t a demonstration of the best judgment. But the media was mum. After all, boys will be boys – at least in the Sixties, unlike now when they can be pretty much anything and we’re supposed to pretend it’s not ridiculous. Props on tagging Marilyn Monroe, but really? If she had a skirt and a heartbeat, she was fair game for JFK. Teddy, of course, was only half as picky.

And our media heroes covered it up, only to – years later – admit that maybe they could have been a bit more diligent and a bit less accommodating to the peccadillos of their idol. There was much assurance among the professional journalismers that never again would they participate in this kind of cozy covering-up for politicians. And they didn’t – for any Republican.

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