Illegal Immigrant Invaders Are Good People…U.S. Citizens Not So Much…

Illegal Immigrant Invaders Are Good People…U.S. Citizens Not So Much… by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

If one is still living with the misguided idea that we the people of this country – the people that are attempting to maintain what was built, attempting to live our lives without fear, in a society based on law and order – well, that no longer exist. While people have been at the football / baseball / basketball / hockey game, studying stats on their favorite team / player the satanic globalist continued marching forward with their agenda. While people were at the mall, shopping online, watching another TV series, the school systems – lower and higher education – were being transformed into indoctrination camps. While the people were unplugging from society, believing they are so progressive the CIA was importing tons of heroin, fentanyl and all the cocaine we could smoke, snort or shot into our system to ensure we either become the walking dead or we simply overdose and kill ourselves. Either way is fine with the satanic globalist, either way you are no longer taking resources or have the potential to rise up against their agenda.

Can’t forget about the family. Under the lie of “welfare” the state has moved into our living room, bedroom and Church house. While people were reading this trash novel, another book about the cabal and dark forces the globalist were attacking, planting seeds to destroy the Christian church. When God is kicked to the curb, really, really bad things begin to happen. For this reason the family had to be attacked first.

With the introduction of “public housing” in the mid 1950’s families no longer needed a “head of household” as the father was not necessary to build the “cave and hunt down food to sustain the family” that was being provided by the state. Well, people couldn’t raise kids and leave their “house” to go to work so food stamps were introduced. At this juncture the “head of household” was yesterday news – no longer needed for anything.

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Now we believe this is acceptable…it is not.

It takes time destroy and remake and entire society. The only thing necessary is a distraction. We just covered the many distractions that people find more appealing than what is happening at the school board, in the classroom and the public hearing on the coming policy changes for their neighborhood. Why attend a boring public hearing when you can go to the game? Why attend church, dig deeper into the Word of God when you can watch another TV show? Why get involved in what’s happening at the school when there is online shopping to get done? Harsh? Yes, but also true and you know it is.

Now we find the end result. A legal, well thought out and well planned internal invasion. Open the border and INVITE the world to come in. Not doing the job that needs to be done, well, simply go to a foreign land, fill plane after plane and fly the invaders in. Make sure their mindset and cultural background is an absolute clash with ours in order to ramp-up tensions in the neighborhoods where these latest invaders are housed.

Place them in states that will transform our nation the quickest. Provide them with free housing, free healthcare, teach their language, their culture and shame the locals – the people that actually built the neighborhood, shame them into silence. Call them fascist, nazis and hateful people if they push back or anything less than accepting of their new “citizen neighbors”

While the taxpayers of this nation are carrying the load, literally, for the world, our children are under attack. Our lives are being assaulted in ways we never thought possible. This is the end game. This is the end of the American experiment, unless we the people stand up and stand up now.

This did not start in 2020 or even 2019, it started in 1913. It ramped up in the mid 1950’s and the so-called liberal / progressives began changing everything in the 1960-1970’s era. What’s happened over the past decade is simply cleaning up the crumbs of financial theft, tightening the policies and ensuring the corporations wield the power that government can not.

Our economy is a duopoly. this gives the criminal class / ruling class plausible deniability to say, with confidence, it is not a monopoly. Choice is an illusion – we have two phone companies, two drug stores, two hardware stores, 6 TV channels, two magazines, two newspapers, four grocery stores and the list goes on and on. The fact their were so many mom and pop restaurants were driving these evil people crazy – McDonalds, Wendy’s and all the other multinational food chains DID NOT CLOSE in 2020 – only your favorite restaurant owned and operated by the people you went to school with or the family you attend church with. They were closed, they were harassed – not the multinationals.

I pray the picture is getting a little clearer. I pray that Jesus Christ softens our heart enough to see what has happened, what is happening and we begin coming together before it’s too late. The Biden regime knows that time is short and that’s why they are racing, like never before, to transform everything as quickly as possible. Miss the mean tweets yet? I sure do.

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