Has The Next Major Pandemic Already Started? A New “Mystery Illness” In India Is Killing Dozens Of People

Has The Next Major Pandemic Already Started? A New “Mystery Illness” In India Is Killing Dozens Of People by  for End of the American Dream

Many have talked about “the next pandemic” in theoretical terms, but could it be possible that it is already here?  The mainstream media in the United States is not talking about the outbreak of a very alarming “mystery disease” in India yet, but if it continues to spread they soon will be.  Dozens are already dead, and the death toll just continues to rise.  Top health authorities in India are insisting that there is no reason to panic, but that is what Chinese authorities told us at the beginning of the COVID pandemic too.  There is still so much that we don’t know about this outbreak, but in this article I am going to share with you what I have been able to find out so far.

Up to this point, all of the cases that have been reported have come from the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.  The following comes from a British news source

A MYSTERIOUS illness is rapidly spreading through a northern state of India, killing dozens of children as well as adults.

As the country slowly recovers from a deadly second wave of coronavirus, the deaths in Uttar Pradesh have provoked panic among hospital doctors.

Firozabad appears to be the epicenter of the outbreak, and it is hitting children particularly hard

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The situation is alarming in Firozabad. There are long queues of parents with wailing children in front of pharmacies and hospitals. Many want their children to be admitted.

The district hospital looked overwhelmed, reminiscent of the panic outside medical centres during the second wave of Covid. But this time it is largely children who are afflicted, tugging at the corner of their mothers’ saris, burning with fever and crying of pain.

These parents are in a race against time, because children are dropping dead at a staggering rate.

One young mother named Ruby was desperately searching for someone to help her two-month-old daughter when one reporter encountered her

One of them, Ruby, was running around with her two-month-old daughter Komal, looking for help. The baby was frothing at the mouth. Ruby said the girl was growing weak by the minute. “Her platelet count is low, but the hospital wants another test. I just want her to be admitted but nobody is listening,” she cried.

Most parents were armed with paracetamol, vitamin tablets and hydrating solutions.

At least 50 of them closed around ThePrint’s team and begged for help. “They are asking us to line up patiently when our children are dying. Some of us are being asked to go to private facilities. This is mistreatment,” one of them said.

Can you imagine how you would feel if you were in that mother’s position?

I have been trying to determine exactly how many people have died so far.

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