

What has happened to Australia over the past year is remarkable. A continent that went from being one of the most loved places on earth to one of the scariest places the earth has ever witnessed. It’s as if the government of Australia, like the federal government of the U.S., awakened one morning and stated they were simply going to ignore the citizens Rights, Liberties and wishes and enact a 100% totalitarian regime. Since that fateful day, that is exactly what has happened.

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What countries in history, and for what reason, have there been large scale “encampments” for people that disagreed or were not the right origin? Let’s see…would that be Germany during the 1920-1930’s with the Jewish community, the United States with the Japanese community and today, as in, literally, today, China with the Uyghur community? …And now Australia!?!?!

If we don’t do something in the U.S., and do it soon, these camps are going to find their way to the internet. Personally, there is little doubt these are being built today – either above or below ground – in the U.S., we just haven’t found them as of yet. When the images surface it will be too late, as it is for Australia. The people, nationally, gave up their firearms and now this happens – it always happens, repeat – it always happens.

Laws are ignored, changed and manipulated to enslave to the populace – sound familiar?

People are fighting back, they are not simply rolling over. The unfortunate part is, currently, the people fighting back are not as many as is needed. That will change, we pray that it doesn’t get to be too far down the road before it does.

This protest didn’t work out as planned…but some of them were giving it all they had.

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