12 Perversions – Unfolding Before Our Eyes

12 Perversions – Unfolding Before Our Eyes by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

When I first heard about this it seemed like there would be no way it could be true. But I look around today and see the commercials, the TV shows, movies and everything else, it seems to not only be true but a sick twisted joke the devil is playing on us. Always keep in mind, the sick perverts at the top of the money chain will always, always, always tell you exactly what they are going to do – then do it.

We present not one but two examples of just how the elite parade their “game plan” for the whole world to see… for your consideration.

First up needs no further explanation if you watch TV, read magazines, go to the movies and in some cases attend church then you already know this is happening at break-neck speed…

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It seems the next item is what is being renamed from pedophilia to “age-gap love”. NBC contributor becomes spokesperson for controversial group accused of ‘normalizing pedophilia’ This was just published on August 30, 2021. We’ve already seen some of the push with the children being dressed up like strippers on TV morning shows and the like. Little boys dressed up like girls and vice-versa as the “parents” sit and applaud. You know, little children 7-10 years old.

Next up we are going to present some examples of what is happening as this is a newer item. As some of you are, no doubt, aware the banks are stealing everything not nailed down. This is includes even more of the housing market. If you recently sold your house, within the last 5 years, and you received a “full cash offer” your home was probably acquired by a hedge fund or bank. Since the financial collapse in 2008 this has been the new model and one of the last pieces of the puzzle for total financial enslavement.

2021 – Who’s Outbidding You By Tens of Thousands…

See the Wall St Investors Buying Single Family…

2015 – Hedge Fund Buys HUD Homes

Published in 2019 describing what happened between 2011 and 2017 with Wall St buying homes – When Wall St Is Your Landlord

Picture getting a little clearer when it comes to the “Landlord bailout – Mortgage Moratorium” Biden has been fighting for? You know, the “policy” the CDC okay’d?

What we’re told…by 2030

What we get

…yes, in about 7 years it will be complete and our world will be completely different. Hunger Games, Matrix, Divergent, The Road – all coming into view. Don’t forget The Walking Dead, they are already showing up…

Visit this YouTube channel and you can see everyday life in Philadelphia…CLICK HERE >>> I’ve published a few of these videos, but they are so depressing and it’s difficult to look at and understand how the church in that area is sitting idly by as this happens.

Revival is in the air, but at times it seems like it’s nothing more than a pipedream – I don’t believe that, otherwise, I would give up. I would fold up my tent and go home. We will be here continually bringing the Good news, sharing the Hope of Jesus Christ and praying for more people to awaken. We will continue to Suit Up everyday with Full Armor of God to fight until we can no longer stand. We will shout praises until the mountains move, the storm calms and peace prevails over the land.

These are trying times but the War is Over, the Victory is in Jesus Christ and we will not back down. We will not allow these dark forces to shutter the Light. We will sit at the table of our enemy knowing full well the Victory is Won…It Is Finished.

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