The Truth Can Never Be Wrong…

The Truth Can Never Be Wrong… by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

…Even if No One Hears It.

And He was saying, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” ~Mark 4:9 NASB95

The Truth, on many subjects, is being unleashed around the world. The evil that has run the world and brought us to this place are fighting back. These agents of the devil are using every means possible to keep the people in shackles. They are not only losing, they already lost the war, they just don’t realize it. Jesus Christ, Emmanuel – God with us – promised this on the cross.

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Today the people are beginning to realize their power. They are beginning to stand up, pushback and speak out against the tyranny that has revealed itself over the past 18 months. The people have not begun forming groups, however, it is on the horizon and the agents of the devil know it. When one small group joins forces with another small group – either at church, at a social gathering or PTA meeting – the agents of the devil will have a hard time stopping the flood that will be unleashed.

Not everyone will understand or be willing to stand up. However, their will be enough of a force to move mountains, uproot trees and cleanse the unclean all with their bare hands. This is what Jesus has told us, time and again, throughout the Gospels and the parables He shared with His disciples. Are you one of His disciples?

As soon as He was alone, His followers, along with the twelve, began asking Him about the parables. And He was saying to them, “To you has been given the mystery of the kingdom of God, but those who are outside get everything in parables, so that while seeing, they may see and not perceive, and while hearing, they may hear and not understand, otherwise they might return and be forgiven.” ~Mark 4:10-12 NASB95

What about now? Is the Truth beginning to seep into your ears and emerge before your eyes?

The same ruthless, agents of the devil that deceived the world about the election of Joe Biden, the reality of what was going on in Afghanistan and now the absolute horrific results of having someone who is so absolutely corrupt throughout their entire body, has now been laid bare for the world to see. The young men and women that have given their lives for these lies should be held in honor from this day forward.

The people that created the mess in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, many other places and all  the needless, senseless loss of life, are the same people screaming to get a vaccine. Why would anyone believe a word they say? An error can never become truth no matter how many times it is repeated. An error will remain an error until it comes to the truth and changes it’s story completely.

Can you hear the Truth? Are you willing to see the Truth? Remember, the Truth does not change or become error simply by not being heard or accepted. The Truth is the Truth, the Way is the Way and the Life is the Life. We can either come to the Truth, eat the bread of Life and drink from the fountain of Living Water or we can go about our business as another day passes us by.

For those that believe “this will never happen here”, take a look at the video below and then explain to me how IT IS NOT ALREADY HERE. Do you have ears to hear and eyes to see?

What about Chicago? Does Chicago count as “being here”? Tennessee, Illinois and we are searching for the next community to fall.

Every culture throughout history, with the exception of the current culture, is in the dustbin of history. If we don’t stand up and stop what is happening, like in the video just above, this will be our fate…

If you have time you should look up the number of bombs dropped during the Obama regime – which is recorded – divide that number by the number of days in office, divide that number by the number of hours in a day you will arrive at this one and only conclusion…

We don’t have to live like this. We don’t have to accept any of the nonsense before us. We can awaken, we can stand up and we can push back. We are better than this. We just need to find the Strength and Power that Jesus Christ provides when we are at the end of our rope. Jesus lives in the pain and as weakness leaves the body we are left with Jesus Christ healing the pain. Jesus Christ is our Strength, He is our Power He provides the bravery to stand up when everything within us is saying to stay down. Jesus Christ fills the void left by pain and supports our legs when we can’t. Come on!! We need you to open your eyes, open your ears and soften your heart.

Does this say anything about how these agents of the devil feel about the American people and their family? Does this image say anything to at all? What can a person hear when viewing something like this?

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