That One Time In History…

That One Time In History… by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

“Point me to that one time in history where the side that was demanding censorship, segregation, propaganda, papers to move freely in society, and government forces going door to door demanding compliance were the good guys.”

She speaks the Truth and the people in the room know it – the ones behind and in front of her. There is no denying nor rational retaliation for a single word said. This may be the single most compelling 2:00 minute speech thus far in the war against Liberty and freedom.

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The window to make this stop with rational conversation is closing. The window for our voices to be heard above the gunfire is rapidly closing. The window for our voices to be heard above the cries and howls of family burying the fallen is closing.

The people sitting in front of this woman don’t realize the position they are in. They are in the same position as the woman speaking – nothing more than cannon fodder. The problem is these Boards, Committees and other appointed government policy makers will be the first to go – they have no security guards and they don’t have the means for a security guard. It’s not like they are AOC or any of the other people being paid $175,000 annually, plus all the funds that are simply given to them for saying the right words at the right time – or charge to the tax payers – you know, us. $175,000 annually buys a lot of security and leaves plenty to live on.

The time is running short and our patience is running thin. We are no longer concerned with converting others to the Truth, we are simply concerned with strengthening the awakened. We need better communications and stronger alliances. Remember that one time in history when the government forced compliance on the people for the good of humanity? Yeah, me neither.

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