Without Others…We Don’t Exist

Without Others…We Don’t Exist

Would it be plausible the enemy, the devil, knows that when we are isolated we no longer exist? In physics there are no “free range” fractional particles. They have not been observed in any model for at least 200 years of research.

All the data gathered over the last 200 years or so show only integer multiples of charges, and the models that classify the behavior of particles are successful in predicting new data. Fractional charges arouse in the models to describe the symmetries of hadrons which were experimentally found to be composite.

If an individual particle doesn’t exist of it’s own accord how can we – God’s children? Not even God is alone. God is a triune God – God, the Father; Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit, the essence / Spirit of God. If God is not alone why do we believe we should be? We shouldn’t. We should be with others.

We should baptized into Jesus Christ in community. Jesus, Himself, was baptized in community. The Eunuch that Philip baptized happened in community – there were certainly others traveling with the Eunuch when the ceremony was performed. Why would the person in charge of all of Ethiopia’s treasury be traveling alone – he wouldn’t.

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We are intended to be with other people. We are intended to be with people we love. We are intended to be with people that spark our critical thinking respecters, pull on our emotions, in both joy and sorrow and we are to be with other people just because.

When we are told to “lockdown” or “shelter in place” this is a death sentence for many.

After the devil attempted to get Jesus to renounce His identity as the Son of God, Jesus went into Galilee and into the synagogue on the Sabbath where He proceeded to read. The room is filled with people, community, and Jesus offers them…

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor.
He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives,
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set free those who are oppressed,
To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.” ~ Luke 4:18-19 NASB95

Jesus has proclaimed a Prophecy of Isiah to be filled – this was done in community – witnesses to His proclamation. If it is not done in community, did it happen? If there are no witnesses did it happen? When it is done in community, there is no question, there is no recourse except the Truth. When we live our lives in front of others there is only one Truth – either / or – there is no other option. When we are isolated from others, there is no truth, there is no life and we wither and die.

Either the Scripture is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of Him, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.

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