Under Jimmy Carter – 1978 – Where It All Began…

Under Jimmy Carter – 1978 – Where It All Began…

The heroin had dried up in Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia and the CIA needed a new region where they could continue their narco operations – enter Zbig and Osama bin Laden, circa 1978 somewhere in Afghanistan.

If You Are Under The Misguided Idea What Happened Was Not Planned – Explain This…

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Please speak slowly, using up to 3 syllable words only, so that I can understand.

These are the people lording over our lives – when do we make it stop? The Tree of Liberty is calling.

This is the military the current regime is looking to deploy to your neighborhood. People that are so thoroughly indoctrinated they have no zero knowledge of our history, the founding of this country nor the concept of her actual duty as a soldier in the U.S. military.

This is the original tweet from the short version above – there is a lot – a lot – of foul language in this version – the point is made even stronger during this minute and half version but the language is a little much.

More and more people are seeing history being made right in from of themselves. We are looking at 1920-1925 era as Germany was beginning to morph and the citizens were beginning were turning on one another in ways no one ever thought possible. We are seeing this exact same thing right now.

Oh yeah, God was removed from Germany during that time, just like today in the U.S.. When Jesus Christ is kicked to the curb really bad things tend to happen.

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