Can You Be a Believer Without Being a Disciple?

Can You Be a Believer Without Being a Disciple? by BERT FARIAS for Charisma News

In the church today there is much deception because people have been made to believe that their entire consecration is not necessary for them to be followers of Jesus.

Many have never been made to see the degree of hindrance their flesh is having on their spiritual lives.

Most people attend church to learn to be a success in life or ministry, but only a few truly pursue the heart of God.

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Charles Finney, the father of modern revivalism, made this piercing statement:

“There is a certain type of Christian that although being constructively involved in the Church and pass off as being very good Christians are useless in revival. I do not mean that they are wicked, but they have a form of piety which has no fire or efficiency and actually repels new believers, and wards off the truth.”

True Repentance

True repentance is not what you can get out of God like “your best life now.” But it’s what God gets out of you, like death to your own plans and desires. At the cross you surrender and die in order to live for Him and His glory.

True repentance leads to obedience of the faith. You cannot be saved without obedience.

“And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him” (Heb. 5:9, NKJV, author’s emphasis).

If your motivation is not to please God and obey Him, I must doubt your salvation. Your heart has not been changed. Your conscience has not yet been purged from dead works by the blood of Christ. You are still living for yourself.

The big lie of the Western gospel is “just say this prayer and accept the poor rejected Jesus into your heart.”

Or “just confess Jesus and you’re in.” Make Jesus your Savior but not your Lord. Such deception. He is Lord of all or not at all! This is the greatest delusion in modern Christianity. We tell sinners to accept Jesus and He’ll give you peace and joy. He loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. He’ll make all your dreams come true.

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