FDA gaslights the world with FAKE “approval” of Pfizer vaccine while Biden’s fake presidency collapses

FDA gaslights the world with FAKE “approval” of Pfizer vaccine while Biden’s fake presidency collapses by:  for Natural News

We now know the FDA “approval” of the Pfizer covid vaccine is a bold, treacherous gaslighting campaign involving media lies, fake science and criminal conduct at the FDA itself. Issuing two letters on Monday, the FDA actually extended the EUA for the Pfizer vaccine while granting approval to a different vaccine called “Comirnaty” which does not exist in the marketplace and isn’t even in production.

Through carefully crafted weasel words, the FDA has attempted to conflate the two vaccines to try to gaslight America into thinking the Pfizer covid vaccine now has full approval, all while making sure Pfizer still has legal immunity under the EUA for all the injuries and deaths caused by its vaccine. The media has played along, fraudulently reporting that the Pfizer vaccine now has “full approval” even though no such thing actually occurred.

Then again, this entire plandemic has been nothing but fraud from the very start, so it’s no surprise that the fraud remains firmly in place at the highest levels of the criminally-run FDA, which functions as nothing more than the monopoly marketing enforcers for Big Pharma.

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The result of all this is that Big Pharma, Big Media and Big Tech are gaslighting America like never before, faking like the Pfizer mRNA vaccine has been “fully approved” by the FDA and using that as an excuse to demand full vaccine compliance.

But it isn’t even a vaccine. Even the CDC’s own director Walensky admits this “vaccine” doesn’t halt transmission and doesn’t prevent infections. It merely reduces symptoms, which allows infected people to become superspreaders because they appear to be asymptomatic while they actually carry a far higher viral load. (See this important article by Dr. Peter McCullough for full details on why this happens.)

What the vaccine does accomplish, however, is mass death of the vaccinated via blood clots, autoimmune disorders and more. A website called The Covid Blog is documenting many of these shocking, disturbing deaths, including a recent case of a woman whose skin began to rot off her face after she took the covid jab. (Warning: Extremely graphic photos in that story.)

Get more details on all this in today’s Situation Update podcast, below.

Fake pandemic, fake “approval” of a vaccine, and a fake president, too

Meanwhile, the Imposter-In-Chief Joe Biden is watching his approval ratings absolutely plunge in the aftermath of the Afghanistan catastrophe (which isn’t even over) that saw the transfer of tens of billions of dollars in military equipment to the Taliban while tens of thousands of Americans were deliberately stranded behind enemy lines. (This is all by design, of course, and has long been the plan of the Obiden administration.)

USA Today is now reporting that Biden’s approval has plunged to 41%. If you strip away the polling bias and deliberately dishonest lying by USA Today, in truth Biden’s support numbers are now in the low-30s.

With Biden’s popularity having now plunged into the low-30s, he’s going to be removed rather soon. Regime change is coming, and Kamala isn’t going to be the one sitting in the Oval Office once the chaos settles.

Be prepared for all possibilities: Total financial collapse, civil war, secession, military martial law, invasion by UN troops, collapse of supply lines, grid down scenarios and more. Anyone who isn’t prepared is at risk of not surviving the next 18 months. And anyone taking the spike protein bioweapons injections is probably already a goner unless they’re pursuing very specific nutritional strategies to block the spike protein.

Learn More – Natural News

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