The CDC Plan for Isolation Centers

The CDC Plan for Isolation Centers from Liberty Counsel

Anthony Fauci has said there are “two Americas.” The media and some politicians are dividing people by whether they received the shots or not.

History documents that Hitler blamed diseases and the Black Death on the Jews. He then prevented them from certain employment, and then their private businesses were identified and boycotted. Next came isolation, then the ghettos and then the camps.

We’re already hearing some of what the Jews heard in the 1930s and ‘40s. CNN’s Don Lemon, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and former Obama Homeland Security Assistant Secretary Juliette Kayyem, whose article was published in The Atlantic—owned by billionaire Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs—have publicly said those who refuse the shots should be …

[give_form id="52655"]
  • Fired, and lose all income, health benefits and retirement.
  • Banned from grocery stores.
  • Refused restaurant dining, shopping, entertainment, gyms, etc.
  • Expelled from schools.
  • Placed on a no-fly list.
  • And even prohibited from outdoor gatherings.

This is NOT right. We must help these people who are being forced to get the shots or be fired, expelled or court-martialed. Help us help these precious people with your gift today.

The CDC “shielding” plan calls for using schools, churches, shipping containers and even moving people into YOUR house to forcibly detain people with COVID. Showing scant concern for the emotional trauma, the CDC states:

“Separating families and disrupting and deconstructing multigenerational households may have long-term negative consequences. Shielding strategies need to consider sociocultural gender norms in order to adequately assess and address risks to individuals, particularly women and girls.

“Restrictive gender norms may be exacerbated by isolation strategies such as shielding. At the household level, isolating individuals and limiting their interaction, compounded with social and economic disruption has raised concerns of potential increased risk of partner violence.

“Households participating in house swaps or sector-wide cohorting are at particular risk for gender-based violence, harassment, abuse, and exploitation as remaining household members may not be decision-makers or responsible for households needs.” (emphasis added)

The CDC has the audacity to suggest that people could be forcibly moved around to isolate the sick and the well in private homes!

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