How We Should Live in This Season of Jesus’ Return by BLAKE LORENZ for Charisma News
The arrival of the global community introduces the season of Jesus’ return. As Jesus gives us these signs of His Second Coming in Matthew 24, He then teaches us how we should live in this season. He begins with the parable of the fig tree in which He emphasizes that His followers should know when they have entered into the time of His return. It is obvious and clear He expects us to be aware the season has begun.
The next parable instructs us that we should be alert and watchful, looking for Him to come again and not be like those who were unaware as in the days of Noah. The third parable teaches us the difference between the wise and faithful servant as opposed to the evil servant in the Master’s house.
The fourth parable contrasts the wise virgins and the foolish virgins in who will be welcomed into His wedding feast from those who will be shut out. The last parable inspires us as to how we are to use our God-given resources to prepare the way for our coming deliverer.
In the next articles we examine more closely what these parables mean for us.
Jesus then completes His prophetic teachings with His judgment of the nations. He divides them into the sheep and goat nations. Those who have obeyed His command to minister to the least of these contrast against the nations who have failed to help those in need. This judgment is also tied to whether the nation has blessed or cursed Israel.
All of these prophetic words we will glean in depth as to how we should live in this season of Jesus’ return to prepare the way for our King to come. As the old hymn says,
O the King is coming
The King is coming
I just heard the trumpets sounding
And now His face I see
O the King is coming
The King is coming
Praise God, He’s coming for me
When I was in Zambia several years ago, we were holding crusades across the northwest part of the nation as well as planting churches. We left Chief Kanyama and his kingdom full of fire and faith as we witnessed numerous miracles and prophecies come forth from heaven. We traveled to our last town called Kabompo, a beautiful village on the magnificent Kabompo River full of crocodiles and hippos.
I was exhausted from several weeks of preaching and ministering with our team. I lost my voice, but every time I went to preach it came back to life. God continued to do miracles and save souls and baptize many in the Holy Spirit.
Since there was no power in the newly constructed but half-finished church, we held our final service in the daylight of the late afternoon. Before the service I was extremely blessed to see one of the elderly ladies sweeping the church.
When we first arrived and were greeted by the people, I remembered that she had been hunched over and in great pain. Yet now she looked like a teenager full of joy and spry as a young woman.