President Trump Rally: People Are Still Listening
The democrats should be very concerned that President Trump still carries this much weight. I believe his rallies are growing larger as the size of the crowd has to be north of 20,000 people, and I mean well north.
8/21/2021 Cullman, Alabama#TrumpRally #MAGA🇺🇸🦅
— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) August 22, 2021
Back in Australia the people are not only protesting they are taking it straight to the face of the oppressors. As the people become stronger, the oppressors will, naturally, become weaker. The people have resigned themselves to the fact that some will be hurt and some may be killed – it no longer matters, especially when it comes to your children. Either a person stands up and pushes back or they roll over and die. Either way you are dead, it’s just a matter of what your death means.
ANTI-VAXXERS ON THE LOOSE, AUSTRALIA— The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) August 21, 2021
As a reminder, if you have taken the poisonous injection you are at risk of death or serious illness. The CDC Director tells you so. They knew this all along as we have been reporting for months on this situation. The problem is, not very many people will see this and most that do see will refuse to believe it as the indoctrination has been so strong, so deep that most people will be unable to hear what this satanic globalist says right to their face.
Vaccinated early? Congratulations, you are at higher risk of dying now
— Wide Awake in Switzerland (@timetowakeupsw1) August 21, 2021
While we have been huge supporters of Governor, Ron DeSantis, he is still just a man, with all the flaws, all the sin and lawlessness built in just like all men. Here’s the proof…
Did You Know? Buried In DeSantis' Vaccine Passport Ban Bill…
There Is Language To Force Vaccination or Treatment 'By Any Means Necessary'
Still Think They Care About Your Rights?
— Covid-1984 (@NeverSleever) August 22, 2021
The police state is here – cameras at most intersections of neighborhoods, cameras right next to traffic signals everywhere, cameras monitoring the flow of traffic, cameras at the gas station, cameras on the front door, cameras inside the home, cameras inside the refrigerator, cameras in random places for seemingly no reason, cameras in the parking lot…all for the children – it’s for the children and for your safety. What a lie.
There are clear signs that a large part of the West may be on the brink of a de facto regime change: sadly, unless current tendencies are reversed, many of us may find ourselves living in illiberal surveillance and police states for the foreseeable future.
— David Thunder (@davidjthunder) August 19, 2021
Upwards of 97% of all the police state, all the wars, all the indoctrination, all the cruelty, all the propaganda, all the consolidation of power, all the consolidation of the economy, all the liberal wokism – all of it – it’s origins are in one place – the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve Note – what you call “money” and the “dollar”. Our currency is neither “money” and the units of account, that which is called a “dollar” are both in error. Gold is money and the dollar is a very specific unit of account that is measure in gold. The paper fiat currency, owned – OWNED – by the Federal Reserve System, issued to us through the “printing” of currency and handed to the banks, basically for free, which the bank then charges us interest to use the currency, well, this is a scheme born in hell.
Wake up, Neo…#Bitcoin
Sounds on 🔊
— GégéLSMR2 (@gegelsmr2) August 20, 2021
The Alchemists at the Federal Printing Corp. "create" the equivalent amount of Gold mined GLOBALLY every year (~90 Million troy ounces), in UNDER 12 DAYS!
Add in the China, EU, Japan, Canada, etc. and you get an idea how totally insane the monetary "gods" (aka frauds) truly are.
— Peter ⚒ Spina (@goldseek) August 20, 2021
Fix the money, fix the problems. Fix the problems, the corruption ends. The corruption ends, we get our families and communities back. We get our families and communities back we the people begin to prosper again. We begin to prosper again, love and respect return. Love and respect return homelessness becomes a much, much smaller issue, drug addiction evaporates, suicide evaporates…God is invited back into our country, into our communities, into our homes and into our hearts. Strong men, and women, return to the head of households. Fix the money, fix the problems.