Pray The Vaccinated Don’t Die: CDC Director Says Vaccinated At Risk…

Pray The Vaccinated Don’t Die: CDC Director Says Vaccinated At Risk…

Now that millions and millions of people around the world have been vaccinated against an illness that has a 99% survival rate, the CDC thought it would be a good time to tell the truth about the vaccines. People that have taken it are at risk of death or serious illness. Yes, the director of the CDC – the unelected director of housing in the U.S. and an all around health expert – just announced this to the world. She hopes – HOPES – that the deaths and illness’ will begin to subside in the coming months but she’s just not sure.

Never, ever trust these people – they hate you and hate your family.

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Ask yourself why it’s harder to get a meal than to vote in one of the largest cities in the world?

Not my president…

Kamala Harris knows everything is coming apart at the seams…

This is on Biden and Harris…the U.S. is now highly susceptible to a False Flag by the deep state…

Isn’t this a handy-dandy gurney? Take the jab, die and already be laying on top of coffin that simply and conveniently opens up and swallows you. Family? Your family doesn’t need to know anything.

Please look up “Revelation: End of Days” on the History Channel – produced around 2011/2012. It is a great look at what is unfolding before our eyes.

Oh, the people of Australia are done. They are joining France in rising up in mass.

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