Are There Any Christians Out There?

Are There Any Christians Out There? by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

When the video below crossed the screen of my computer it broke my heart.

This Sunday morning there will be people gathered together in buildings all across the U.S., and around the world, who will pray, they will say wonderful words, sing songs that give them a sense of happiness and they will feel great about themselves after about an hour, or so, hanging out with others doing the same thing. So few of these people will actually believe anything that is said or any of the teachings that are shared. This is said with conviction because the woman in the video below, or someone just like her, will lay her head down on the sidewalk, again, tonight. She may be naked, she may be dead or she maybe doing something else, God is the only One that will know.

When do we get out of our seat, onto our feet and into the street to act like Christians? To actually go, face-to-face with the people, the lepers, the people that society has thrown in the trash and turned their back? Is it difficult – you bet it is. Is it dangerous – it sure can be. Is it what we, as Christians, followers, believers in the Living Word, the Living Water of Jesus Christ, is what we are suppose to do? It is the one thing that we are absolutely to do. Obedience to the Lord means serving His children.

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When do we believe? When we are sitting in front of the TV watching another sporting event? When we are running another mile of exercise? When we are visiting the latest restaurant to check out the menu? When we are putting in another hour at the office? When do we believe? When do we…

Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”
Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” ~Matthew 22:36-39 NKJB

I guess we should just go home after our gathering on Sunday, spend a little in the yard, watch a little TV and tell our co-workers on Monday morning the “Pastor preached a good word on Sunday, you should’ve been there!” Will it be spoken with enthusiasm and gusto? Will the words mean anything? Will anyone be convicted after hearing the bluster of pride spewing from a mouth of  someone who only believes for, maybe, two hours a week?

When do we believe? When do we act on our belief? When do we get out of our seat, onto our feet and into the street delivering the only copy of the Gospel some people will ever hear? Is that you? If not today, then when?

Watch this video and let the Truth sink into a heart that believes, let the love of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ convict you to move. Let the Strength of God and the fire of the Holy Spirit fill our hearts to cry out for the courage to love without fear.

[Editor’s Note – YouTube removed the original video for reasons only they know. We are leaving it as a reminder to the human tragedy that is being hidden from view. All things will be revealed, one way or another. Here is another, replacement, from the same channel showing situations that are equally as tragic. These are sons and daughters each and everyone.]

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