The Problem with Public Health

The Problem with Public Health By Steve Apfel for American Thinker

It could be the most diabolical disclosure ever made. The lives of billions were wrecked for nothing.

Public health experts have conceded that COVID may be a permanent part of our lives. A pandemic has become endemic. They locked us up, to give the virus nowhere to spread – something never tried before.

We expected to get back our lives before too long. It didn’t work out that way. The freedoms of movement and association and revealing the face – all fundaments of civilization – have not been fully returned, unless you live in some select part like the State of Texas or Florida or, who knows, in Timbuktu. We must now learn to live with a mutating virus for as long as we live. Many of the professors who experimented with protocols, who made a prison yard of the globe, have said it.

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Yet these lords of lockdown are not contrite. Saying ‘sorry’ is not in their vocabulary. Collateral damage is not the remit of virologists or epidemiologists or public health officials. Of politicians, we don’t even speak, because a politician who stoops to apologize has ‘lost it.’

All the devastation, paralysis, and permanent harm to the fabric of society haven’t tickled one conscience. Indeed the experts take comfort in believing that the experimental protocols gave valuable pointers for handling pandemics down the line. They tested the new protocols on human guinea pigs.

Heed for example South African Professor of virology, Barry Schoub, who effectively said here that eradication of the virus isn’t a realistic probability, and containment would appear to be the most realistic vision for the future.

‘Containment.’ By means of? Schoub is cagey about when he and his COVID councilors and policymakers might leave the stage and allow the hoi polloi to get on with their lives. He omits bad omens about that when he scapegoats the virus for devastating the world. Of course he’d do that, working alongside the most corrupt politicians on earth. A pandemic of mental illness, they’d have you believe, had nothing to do with their try-out interventions. It was the virus. People caught it and lost their minds.

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