Ripples of Kabul

Ripples of Kabul By for American Greatness

In the aftermath of the Afghan debacle, we must depoliticize and de-weaponize these warped agencies and incompetent institutions.

The American-nurtured Afghan military of the last 20 years that had suffered thousands of prior casualties evaporated in a few hours in the encirclement of Kabul.

Enlistees apparently calculated that their own meager chances with the premodern Taliban were still better than fighting as a dependency of the postmodern United States—despite its deterrent embassy pride flags, powerful diversity training programs, and indomitable new Afghan University gender studies majors.

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Forces more powerful than the Taliban, in places far more strategic, will now leverage a cognitively challenged American president, an ideologically driven but predictably incompetent administration, a woke Pentagon, and politically weaponized intelligence communities.

Why not, when Biden trashes both American frackers and the Saudis—only to beg the kingdom to rush to export more of its hated oil before the U.S. midterms?

Why not, when Biden asks Putin to request that Russian-related hackers be a little less rowdy in their selection of U.S. targets?

And why not when our own military jousts with the windmills of “white supremacy” as Afghans fall from U.S. military jets in fatal desperation to reach such a supposedly toxically racist nation?

Biden keeps repeating that he was bound by Trump’s planned withdrawal.


A mercurial Trump repeatedly demonstrated he was willing to use air power to protect U.S. personnel and to bomb the “sh-t” out of an Islamic would-be caliphate. The Taliban knew that and so struck when Trump was gone.

Biden claims he was bound by the Trump decision to withdraw and thus cannot be blamed for his reckless operation of a predetermined departure. But all Biden has done since entering office was to destroy Trump pacts—overturning past agreements on energy leases, protocols with Latin America and Mexico on border security, the Abraham Accords, and pipeline contracts.

No sooner did Biden claim he was straight jacketed by Trump, than he reversed course to defend not just his own withdrawal but the disastrous manner of it. In his dotage, Biden claims that he has no free will, while insisting he would have done nothing differently had he such.

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