Ignoring the Science – Dr Malone (Video) by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
Believe what you will, I am not telling you to believe anything. I will die before I allow them to stick me with the any vaccine for the Wuhan bat-flu stew.
Ask yourself, and others, this one simple question – why is a 100% vaccination rate the only acceptable “cure” for the Wuhan bat-flu stew? Does this same singular solution model apply to malaria, seasonal flu, the common cold, shingles, measles, TB or any of the other illnesses there is a vaccine produced and distributed? Does this same singular solution approach apply? NO – let me repeat that – NO, NO, NO, NO, NO… why is a 100% vaccination rate the only acceptable “cure” for the Wuhan bat-flu stew?
Another very simple question to ask yourself, and others – why are therapeutics not discussed and if they are discussed on social media that information is censored, shut down, thrown in the trash, attacked? Why are we not allowed to discuss a regiment of Vitamins C and D3, Zinc and Magnesium in conjunction with or without Ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine? Why are these not a solution when they have been proven to be stable effective solutions?
Once again, far be-it-for-me to tell anyone what to do. The only thing I request is that you, and others, begin asking basic questions, listen to doctors who have been marginalized or fully censored and do some basic research – YOUR LIFE, LITERALLY, DEPENDS ON IT. Is your life, or the life of your child, not worth one full day, two full days or whatever amount of time is necessary to reach a conclusion that you reach, not the answer you told to accept? Is it not worth it? Did I miss something? I know, I know…we are all busy. We all have limited time, however…priorities…what is more important? Another hour spent in front of a TV, going to dinner with friends, a ballgame or some other event that could be easily missed? What is the priority?
SW Ohio school board meeting. I told them what the jabs were going to do to them. It was if I had said nothing. Masks were reinstituted for all people inside all buildings on this night as well. Tyrants. Mass non-participation, permanently, is the only way.
A few more simple questions – why are there ZERO stories on TV news about the vaccine injured? ZERO reports like this one…
So many lives have been ruined … 💉 pic.twitter.com/ltnnYyqafO
— mikhail orlov (@mikhail86439176) August 17, 2021
— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) August 18, 2021
I want to fly or drive to where this woman is just to hug her. Losing a child is every decent parents worst nightmare. pic.twitter.com/VFwPEzKGUS
— Nashville Angela (@Angelasfreenews) August 18, 2021
Let’s end this with a little serious humor. We need more of this happening on both sides of the pond…
Someone take this megaphone off me before I get myself into trouble…. pic.twitter.com/jsT9QGzwrF
— Daz_joe90 (@DazJoe90) August 17, 2021