Abandoned in Afghanistan

Abandoned in Afghanistan

The greatest kindness is like water: It does good to everything, and in silence It goes to the lowest places that men despise. It is not opposed to anything, it serves everything. It requires nothing, because its origin is God. Jesus Christ is called Living Water for a reason. Living Water has but one source, The Source, the Great I Am.

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What will happen when entire hospitals are cleared out of doctors and nurses in protest of this ongoing nonsense? Who will care for the sick? Will churches once again become hospitals, care facilities and places where people can experience actual healing instead of simply being placed on drugs that sustain their life just enough to make the hospital and big pharma extremely wealthy? Asking for a friend. When will you, the person that understands what’s going on, when are you going to do something? If you have ideas let us know, we are willing to help.

What are the ingredients on the vaccine? Well, we are not allowed to know. This is now the second time that we have reported similar items. Each of the two items show the “information sheet” included with the vaccine is blank. Call your pharmacist and ask about the information sheet for the vaccine – any company – and listen to what they say. I challenge you do it. If you want to say that all the people on the internet are liars – simply call the store where you get your meds and ask the pharmacist to give you the first few ingredients of the vaccine. Let us know what you find. Info@GospelNewsNetwork.org

Coming to Canada now and to the U.S. very, very soon. Are you prepared with supplies, ammo, water, ammo and other necessary items like more ammo?

What about this? While every person in the world is allow to simply walk into our country, actual citizens have been abandoned in Afghanistan.

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