Tweets 8/19/21

Tweets 8/19/21

Satan has many hats and many costumes…

Does anyone remember all the bank consolidation after the 2008 banking heist when the banks stole all the houses and then transferred trillions of funds out of the stock market? Well here’s what the bank consolidation looks like…

[give_form id="52655"]

Got gold? What will you use when the next stock market crash happens? How will your savings come back once the banks steal everything that is left?

Here are the companies represented by all that gold in the image above – what do they know that you don’t?

Always remember that social media is global. Not only do you see these embarrassing images, but our national allies and enemies alike see them as well. Yes, they hear everything also, you know, like when one of the members of “the squad” – gang of 4 – open their mouth and all the stupid spills out – yeah, all that is heard as well.

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