Louder and Louder You’re Gonna Hear Our Voices Roar…

Louder and Louder You’re Gonna Hear Our Voices Roar… by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

We are approaching a point of no return. The voices that are coming to the table belong to people who, just yesterday, were the people saying “we just want to be left alone to live our lives” Well, something changed. That something is their children.

I have said for years that parents, especially Moms, during a dangerous situation will become the most dangerous of the lot. Moms and Dads will do anything and/or say anything to protect their children. Parents will give their lives to protect their children. We are beginning to see more and more of this come to the fore.

None of what we are seeing is new. This is old news. C.S. Lewis saw it and wrote about in 1958. George Orwell wrote a series of books about it. Aldous Huxley wrote about it. The Nazi’s in Germany laid the ground work and we brought all the top brass to America after World War II – look up Operation Paper Clip.

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We the people have lost all trust in government

We are seeing foreign nationals being treated better than American citizens on the world stage. Not just at the Southern border, but now, in Afghanistan

When do we the people matter? When are we first instead of the entire world coming first? When do we arrest, deport and revoke citizenship of people like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and any other disloyal person currently in the country? When do begin arresting and deporting criminal invaders that have invaded our country?

I am not heartless, I am not anti-immigration. I am not a racist, I am not a hateful person.

What I am is an American citizen that believes in law and order. What I am is an American citizens that wants to see our nation continue as a Constitutional Republic instead of some banana democracy.

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