Getting Your Goods When Stores Refuse You Service

Getting Your Goods When Stores Refuse You Service By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine

Forget Prepping For Disaster, We Need To Prepare For Post-Pandemic Tyranny We Are Already Seeing

I cannot count how many prepping websites there are, or how many pieces discussing the need to prepare for possible disaster, or national catastrophe, whether a terrorist attack, cyber attack, EMP, or weather-related disasters.

Now though, we find ourselves prepping just to be able to survive post-pandemic tyranny, where some cities, like NYC, are requiring vaccine passports, dubbed the “Key to NYC Pass.,” in order to live normally, go to a restaurant, a gym, or a movie or performance.

[give_form id="52655"]

While this is all part of forcing Americans to get the COVID vaccines, despite them not even bring approved yet, it does raise concerns as to whether other states will take it further, as media personalities have suggested.

Don Lemon publicly declared on his show that unvaccinated people should not be allowed to buy food at supermarket, and can’t “go to work.”

Forget the my choice my body argument that liberals continuously spew when it comes to killing babies via abortion, now they are trying to cut anyone off from food, money and many other things if they decide getting vaccinated isn’t their choice.


“Don’t get the vaccine? You can’t go to the supermarket. Don’t have the vaccine? Can’t go to the ball game. Don’t have the vaccine? Can’t go to work. You don’t have a vaccine? Can’t come here, no shirt, no shoes, no service.”


My proof comes right from the horse’s mouth, or in this case, the Ass’s mouth.



That type of tyrannical thinking is expected from a talk show host on CNN, an eerily  similar argument was made by frequent guest at Fox News, Geraldo Rivera (a wolf in sheep’s clothing), who made the following argument, which was widely reported by liberal media outlets.

“If you are unvaccinated then you should at least get tested every week, on your own or understand why you are banned from the VA, why you are banned from restaurants, why you are banned from other businesses and colleges increasingly, and they should be. Because it’s selfish. If you are unvaccinated and you are going around without being tested, you are an arrogant, selfish SOB.”

Personal choice means nothing to these “arrogant, selfish SOB’s” like Lemon and Rivera.

Before moving along, I would like to reiterate that if fully vaccinated, and they believe the vaccinations truly work, then why concern themselves with other peoples’ medical decisions? Same goes for the mask mandates.

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