Meanwhile…Biden Regime Is Out Of the Office

Meanwhile…Biden Regime Is Out Of the Office by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

The first person, Biden, is on two week vacation, conveniently left the office just as Kabul began to fall…coincidence, we think not. Second person in charge, Harris, probably has her heels in the air… Press Secretary, also unavailable for this week.

And you still think these people are going to help you and your family? You think / believe they are going to do something to help you and your family get ahead, advance our society and make life better? WOW!

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What!?!?!?! Obama released the Taliban lead dude in 2014 and now he is running a coup under the Biden regime!! What a magnificent coincidence that these two situations would cross paths

As I have said before…Leadership. Ron DeSantis is what a lead sounds like and how a leader acts. Makes decisions that help the people of Florida, keeps them safe and does his best to keep the enemy at bay.

Just a reminder to those pushing for vaccine passport, cheering as companies force their employees to take a medication against their wishes. Don’t forget about forcing children to wear mask, approving a vaccine for people that don’t need it…

And in other news…Lebanon has a collapsing currency during a nation wide power outage

There is still Good News…

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