What A Coward Looks Like…by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
Very few Americans want Americans to keep fighting in Afghanistan. Twenty years – 19 of them mission creep — is more than enough time to do it, if you can. But there’s withdrawing, and then there is fleeing. The American president is fleeing. ~Andrew Malcolm for Red State
People are literally falling from airplanes to their deaths trying to flee Afghanistan – and Joe Biden is hiding on vacation, Kamala is yammering about Haiti, and Jen Psaki took a sudden week off because she’s too cowardly to take a few hard questions.
This is a nightmare.
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) August 16, 2021
When a person sees images like the one below it’s difficult to watch as there is nothing good that could possibly come from this situation. Why would the U.S. military allow such a situation to be seen around the world? Simply because you haven’t seen here in the U.S. doesn’t mean that millions upon millions of people around the world haven’t seen – believe me, they have. Simply because we don’t see the world from another angle doesn’t mean that other people around the world don’t see it – they do. It matters; optics matter. This is what a coward looks like. A person fleeing, not withdrawing but fleeing the scene as quickly as possible, without hesitation, without any forethought regarding the situation that is being left behind – simply get out as quickly as possible.
کابل ائیرپورٹ کی افسوسناک صورتحال pic.twitter.com/JMWoeFHW3N
— افغان اردو (@AfghanUrdu) August 16, 2021
This is happening while #NotMyPresidentBiden is on a 2 week vacation at Camp David – you know, the campground run by the CIA/FBI and all the other spy agencies, #satanicglobalist and other people that are actually in charge. Wonder why President Trump never spent any time at Camp David and Biden, Obama, Clinton and the list goes on, can’t seem to stay away? hmmm…
After Biden skips town, WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki leaves!https://t.co/tuJybjZ58M
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) August 16, 2021
— THOR the Deplorable 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 (@ThorDeplorable) August 16, 2021
When the sleeping giant finally awakens it will be too late. It may be too late now to stop these evil people from implementing their plan against the people of the U.S.. Remember, the satanic globalist have control of the following – media, all media – hollywood, TV, print, art, music and any other form of media I have overlooked. Schools, pre-K through all levels of higher education; government, especially federal level – I present Amy Coney-Barrett, most state level governments and, currently, attacking local government.
Most of the largest cities in the U.S. have been under democrat control for the past 40 plus years and now they are making it impossible for anyone with means to stay. These people moved out of the large cities and either into the rural areas of their home state or they are fleeing to other states. The people that are able are fleeing the states that have been decimated by democrat rule. They are fleeing to “red states” bringing their politics with them – this is part of the plan. This is intentional. As more and more democrat, liberal leaning people flee the cesspool they created in their home state, they will create another cesspool in the state in which they flee. It will only be by strong Constitutionalist that will be able to stop the spread of this disease.
All of this has created the short video above. When there is no sense of history, no sense of loyalty, no sense of family, no sense of country you wind up with a society that accepts non-sense and calls it policy.
The world hates the U.S. and the majority of people, not all, but a majority of people coming to this country are those that have been given a free ride to the Southern border. These people are coming from a prison in their home country, the ghetto in their home country and the slums of their home country. The people arriving are looking for a handout instead of a hand-up – there is a difference. If you believe the people occupying the White House, both Houses of Congress and the Judicial branch care one bit about you and your family I present this as evidence they do not. If you believe any of these people, with very, very few exceptions, care about you and your family then explain to me why abortion is legal and why the military is willing to pay for gender reassignment surgery? These two issues alone should paint a very clear picture showing the people in Washington DC – most, not all – would, literally, sell their children to gain more power.
We need to standup, we need to pushback, we need to follow the lead as set by the Moms at the school board meetings.