They Have Come Up With Some Ominous New Definitions For What Constitutes “Domestic Terrorism”

They Have Come Up With Some Ominous New Definitions For What Constitutes “Domestic Terrorism” by for End of the American Dream

Are you a potential domestic terrorist?  You may not think so, but the Department of Homeland Security may see things quite differently.  A brand new terrorism advisory has just been issued, and some of the things that it identifies as “potential terror threats” should chill us to the core.  You see, the truth is that the definition of a “terrorist” is constantly evolving.  In the old days, a Middle Eastern male that dresses in traditional Islamic attire, that grows opium in his field and that carries around an AK-47 would have been considered a “potential terrorist” by U.S. authorities.  But now we have lost the war in Afghanistan and the Taliban are partying like it is 1999 in the presidential palace in Kabul.  As a result, our spooks need a new group of “potential terrorists” to send to Guantanamo Bay, and so they are setting their sights on you.

You may be tempted to think that I am exaggerating.

I truly wish that I was.

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NBC News is telling us that a “terror alert” has just been issued by Homeland Security, and during their report on this new “terror alert” a very alarming graphic was shown to the viewers.

Under the heading “POTENTIAL TERROR THREATS”, the following three categories were listed…




We have never seen anything quite like this before.

Now “opposition to COVID measures” is something that can make you a “potential terrorist”?


So precisely what does that mean?

Does someone become a “potential terrorist” if they speak out against masks, lockdowns or vaccines?

What about sharing information that contradicts the official narratives about COVID?  Will that make someone a “potential terrorist” as well?

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