They Fear Love… by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
— truth3rb0t 🎭 (@trutherbotnet) August 16, 2021
— conspiracybot (@conspiracyb0t) August 15, 2021
We have been following the whole Wuhan bat-flu stew since January 24, 2020. For the first few weeks we bought the whole story. There were several videos showing people falling over dead, the building, in China, of 3 hospitals in 3 locations in just a few days, was enough to convince me that something was very, very wrong.
Then, the truth began coming out. The truth began flooding the airwaves. Usually there is a little trickle of truth, but this situation turned as quickly as it first arrived. We have been fighting an uphill battle since mid April 2020 through today. The good news is, the truth is finally beginning to gain a foothold in the minds of the masses. It is the Moms and Dads pushing back against the schools that is finally awakening people en-mass that is making the biggest single impact on the entire situation.
Former Disney star, Leigh-Allyn Baker, gives anti mask speech.
“There are these books that I have:
The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence… these guarantee my freedom and yours and our children’s to breathe oxygen.”Bravo @L_A_Baker
— ЯΞD PILL LΞD 🔎 (@Red_Pill_Led) August 15, 2021
The old slaves were killed for reading. The new slaves won’t read to stay alive.
— conspiracybot (@conspiracyb0t) August 14, 2021
Another nurse damaged by the vaccine.
Mandating a medical procedure known to cause injury and death is the most unethical form of human punishment I can think of. OPEN THE DIALOGUE, STOP the censorship, and QUIT gaslighting the victims of your liability-free poison. #coercionisnotconsent 👩🏻⚕️ @queencitydom
— NurseErin (@erin_bsn) August 15, 2021
— QT@Anon 🌟🌟🌟 (@QTAnon1) August 15, 2021
This is why people are struggling with the Harris/Biden regime. The lies are so thick, the disrespect for the people and the absolutely in your face puppetry is difficult to swallow on a daily basis.
Wait, he changed clothes between pictures?
He’s wearing a blue polo shirt in one and a coat and a white shirt in the other.
What’s going on here?— Rising serpent 🇺🇸 (@rising_serpent) August 16, 2021
Biden can’t even handle a bunch of rag-tag goat herders. How’s he gonna stand up when China takes Taiwan and seizes the world’s leading manufacturer of semiconductors, of which entire US industries are dependent upon?
— Ian Miles Cheong @ (@stillgray) August 14, 2021
Mullah Baradar is making his first statement … thanks @POTUS for this huge mess
— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) August 16, 2021
“The Taliban is not the North Vietnamese Army, they’re not. They’re not remotely comparable in terms of capability. There’s going to be no circumstance for you to see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy of the United States from Afghanistan.” – Joe Biden, July 8, 2021
— Sean Feucht (@seanfeucht) August 16, 2021
— Activist Post (@ActivistPost) August 13, 2021
Hard to take a country seriously when the top military is this guy.
I wonder why our enemies are now laughing at us?
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) August 15, 2021
This is the result
For 20 years, men in plate carriers gave their lives for our country. Now, men in three piece suits casually toss aside their sacrifice.
To those who served: the bullets you took for 20 years are remembered and honored.
Make no mistake, Kabul is Biden’s Saigon.
— Madison Cawthorn (@CawthornforNC) August 15, 2021
Of course Governor Ron DeSantis is on top of every situation going on in this country, especially when it directly impacts Florida…
My administration and the Florida Legislature support our law enforcement.
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) August 15, 2021
Let’s have some fun!!!
— BoldSpearServant777 (@ServantKing777) August 14, 2021
And finally, another nurse coming out telling the truth about what’s actually happening in hospitals, the ICU at her hospital and treatments for this strain of flu. It is not a “pandemic” if it were the paper mask would not be recyclable. Think about recycling mask for a disease that has the potential to kill millions of people – that would never happen. But with this situation, it is being encouraged and applauded. What a joke.