Propaganda Fueled With Hatred…
This is an expanded version in todays offering of “And Now A Word From the President…”. We are offering up some tasty-tidbits from other sources as the time has come to put President Trump’s words into the appropriate context.
From 45 👇👇👇👇👇👇 yes, #WheresBiden
— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) August 16, 2021
First up – CNN – Those bastions of truth and integrity.
CNN: "Seemingly friendly" Taliban are chanting "death to America"
— 🚨 (@disclosetv) August 16, 2021
This is split screen of the same woman – CNN reporter Clarissa Ward before and after the fall of Kabul to the Taliban from the scene where those “seemingly friendly” people are chanting “death to America’.
CNN reporter Clarissa Ward before and after the fall of Kabul to the Taliban.
— Velina Tchakarova (@vtchakarova) August 16, 2021
Latest pictures from Kabul Airport. People are on their own now while the world watches in silence. Only sane advise to Afghan people…RUN
— Sudhir Chaudhary (@sudhirchaudhary) August 16, 2021
I hope they got the flag..
— VBL (@VlanciPictures) August 16, 2021
Since America loves a winner we thought it would make sense to share the actual winners of the 20 year long war in Afghanistan… Ladies and Gentlemen we present…
— Sal the Agorist (@SallyMayweather) August 16, 2021
What will it take to get people to actually hear the truth, see the real truth and make decisions based on Truth and not some made up lie draped in propaganda and fueled with hatred? What is going to take?
Apparently, the Holy Bible is not enough. Hundreds, if not thousands, of news websites of every stripe known to humankind pointing out the Truth is not enough. People, literally, dying because they shared the Truth, is not enough. People being imprisoned and others being exiled, is not enough. Doctors around the world detailing the results of year long research, if not multiple years long research, is not enough. Retired military providing detailed inside information showing the Truth is, apparently, not enough. Traitors exposing themselves, in some cases literally exposing themselves, is not enough. Whistleblowers showing detailed phone text messages and emails pointing towards a traitor in the White House is, apparently, not enough. Sitting Senators sleeping with known Chinese spies being exposed on national TV live broadcast is not enough. What is going to take?