How This ‘Fear of Missing Out’ Can Drive Us Straight to Holy Spirit’s Supernatural Power

How This ‘Fear of Missing Out’ Can Drive Us Straight to Holy Spirit’s Supernatural Power by MARTI PIEPER for Charisma News

Have you experienced FOMO, the fear of missing out?

We tend to think of it as something suffered by the insecure—a fear of missing out on a cultural trend or experience. “Not for believers,” we say. But when FOMO drives us to experience more of the Holy Spirit, it becomes a positive for now and for eternity.

That’s exactly what happened to author Jeannie Cunnion, she tells Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “I began to realize that there are just so many of us who don’t know all that the Holy Spirit is intended to do for us and in us and through us,” she says. “And I realized I had been missing out.”

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“Like the FOMO that we talk about so often in society, the fear of missing out, it’s really about, ‘Don’t miss out on this incredible gift that God has already deposited inside of you,” she says. “Don’t miss out on this gift you’ve already received if you’ve put your trust in Jesus. Don’t miss out on the benefits.”

Cunnion’s new book, Don’t Miss Out: Daring to Believe Life Is Better With the Holy Spirit (Bethany House) brings together 30 incredible benefits of the Holy Spirit to help readers experience Him in a deeper, richer way.

Christians tend to neglect the Holy Spirit, Cunnion says. “It’s very natural to start the day a certain way and kind of take off running in your own strength and at your own pace. And one of the most delightful things within writing Don’t Miss Out has been just this sweet awareness of His presence with me throughout the day. And what’s so beautiful about that is this gift, this experience, is for every Christian.”

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