Rochelle Walensky: Covid vaccines don’t prevent infections or the spread of covid… so why are all the media lying and claiming vaccines work?

Rochelle Walensky: Covid vaccines don’t prevent infections or the spread of covid… so why are all the media lying and claiming vaccines work? by:  for Natural News

Every day, the federal government seems to come up with some bizarre new claim about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) and its associated “vaccines” that directly contradicts what was said the day prior. The latest confusing admission comes from Rochelle Walensky, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), who now says that covid injections do not stop a person from contracting or spreading the virus – so what good are they?

In a recent interview with CNN‘s Wolf Blitzer, Walensky rambled on and on about why she believes all Americans should still take Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” shots, even though they do not work. Walensky says that the possibility of reduced symptoms, which is unproven, is enough to warrant everyone getting them, even if more new “variants” are spread as a result.

“I think we all have to recognize that, um, with 164 million people who are vaccinated, um, we should expect tens of thousands, perhaps, of breakthrough infections,” Walensky stated. “We have a massive number of people who are vaccinated and those breakthrough infections tend to be mild and not severe.”

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What this means, of course, is that getting injected for the Wuhan Flu is utterly useless if your goal is to stay “safe” and stop the spread. If your goal is simply to obey the government and virtue signal, on the other hand, then perhaps Walensky will give you a gold star for your efforts, comrade.

Walensky blames “delta” for rendering covid vaccines worthless in terms of stopping disease

Tony Fauci was apparently wrong in declaring that Chinese Virus injections would usher the world into a “new normal” with no more disease. He was insistent that getting jabbed would miraculously eradicate all “positive” tests and end the plandemic, only to now have Walensky say the exact opposite.

Walensky does, however, still want you and your family to get jabbed if you have not already because somehow the injections are still working “incredibly well,” to quote her recent interview. They work, and yet they do not work, both at the same time, according to Walensky.

Just turn off your brain and do as you are told, and nobody will get hurt – except for all the horrific vaccine side effects, of course. If you ignore those, then “flattening the curve” is simple, the government maintains.

If all that is not enough, Walensky also wants you and your family to get a third, and maybe even a fourth and fifth, “booster” shot for Chinese Germs come September. According to Blitzer, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is currently working on a “national strategy” to bring booster jabs to all Americans before the dark winter arrives.

Even though the first two injections failed to do what Fauci and others claimed they would, Walensky wants you to believe that a third one will do the trick. Just go ahead and roll up your sleeve, take the shot, and “love thy neighbor,” America – all is well, according to Walensky.

“Wear the mask. Don’t wear the mask. Some people have to wear the mask. Wear the mask if you aren’t injected. Wear the mask if you are injected. Everybody wear the mask now,” joked one commenter at The Conservative Treehouse about the constantly evolving Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) narrative coming from the government.

“The injections stop covid. The injections don’t stop covid. The injections make you have mild symptoms. The injected are hospitalized with serious symptoms. The injections are safe. The injections don’t affect fertility. Covid injections are very safe and effective. Wake me up when this plandemic is over!”

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