Lessons from Nazareth | Luke 4 (Video)

Lessons from Nazareth | Luke 4 Video by Pastor Gary Hamrick for Cornerstone Chapel Leesburg VA

Jesus grew up in Nazareth and returned there at the beginning of His ministry to teach in the synagogue. When He read a Messianic passage from the book of Isaiah and then said that it applied to Himself, the people were “filled with wrath” and tried to kill Him. Why was their reaction so violent to what Jesus had said? Pastor Gary unpacks the story today and shares three points that we can learn for our lives today from the reaction and response of the people.

00:00 – Welcome
00:42 – Introduction
17:49 – 1. Jesus is the Son of God not the son of Joseph.
20:20 – Jesus is God made manifest in human form.
25:54 – 2. The people you are able to influence the least are often those who are familiar with you the most.
34:35 – 3. Be careful not to “write off” certain people; Jesus came for all that all might be saved.

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