PRAYERS FOR OUR CHILDREN by Kathleen Nielson for Core Christianity

The following prayers are excerpts taken from the Prayers of a Parent four-book series by Kathleen Nielson, available where all good books are sold.

A Prayer For My Child to Think on Jesus

But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.

Heb. 2:9

So many things there are to pray for, along the way! As we walk with our children on the first part of their path, let’s fix our eyes on the One who walks with us: the living Lord Jesus. Let’s pray for our children to know him and see him. This is the main thing.

This will be the main thing in the end: that we will see Jesus, the one who died for us and who conquered death for us. Let’s pray that our children see the end even from the beginning. Let’s pray in Jesus’s name, and for his glory, to the end.

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In the midst of all our bustling days,
O Lord who knows and sees our bustle,
may we not forget the presence of our Savior.
May my child be learning how to think on him who died for us, to see him,
as his Spirit opens our eyes.

In the midst of play,
of meals either hurried or prolonged,
in quiet rest and busy running,
may my child be mindful of the risen Christ
right here with us,
as his Word lights our eyes to see.

In the midst of growth,
with needy body that demands much care
and mind that would be filled and satisfied,
may my child think on Jesus,
Lord of all things made by his own hand,
and Lord who lives in us who trust in him.

May my child think on Jesus,
Seeing all the rest more clearly
In the light of him.

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