Pictorial Essay: Most Expensive Home For Sale In Every State

Pictorial Essay: Most Expensive Home For Sale In Every State by Stucky for The Burning Platform

GNN Note – We don’t the license to display the images of these homes so we can’t publish them without threat of being charged hundreds, if not thousands of dollars PER IMAGE.

The home in Florida just sold – imagine that!! – for $137,000,000. Personal favorite, outside of Tennessee, of course, is Pennsylvania – very stately. /END

I’m on a roll. I can’t help myself. I’m a loser with no life. I need a hobby. And curses on whoever thought it was a good idea to give me internet access.

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There are no converted churches here. No whimsical photos. Almost without exception, these are phenomenal homes, inside and out.  Although,  I would only want to live in a handful of them … who the hell needs 30,000+ square feet?? Or, even 5,000 square feet, really. (I will make an exception, begrudgingly, for the house in Hawaii!)

Sizes range from 5.3k square feet (SD) to 62.6k square feet (FL). Prices range from $2.2m (ND) to $165m (CA). The age of homes ranges from 120 years old to brand new.

This is my third, and final, “Houses” article.  I always wanted to write a trilogy!  The only search criteria is price, and I will display the most expensive home in the state.  Zillow will be the primary source, but not always.

For a fast and easy read there will be minimal commentary. Generally, two exterior pictures per house; close-up and from a distance (because they are so yuge). Info included;  name of town (w/ link to web site)  / price / square feet / year built.


Madison  /  $11,999,999   /    9,754 sqft   /    2015

Find Your House, Then Place A Bid!! / The Burning Platform >>>

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