Are Southern Baptists about to miss another exceptional opportunity? By Mark Creech, Op-ed Contributor for Christian Post
Someone once said, “Be grateful for the doors of opportunity — and for friends who oil the hinges.”
That’s how I feel about a recent magnanimous offer made to Southern Baptists by apologist Alex McFarland about six weeks ago.
In the wake of the departure of Russel Moore, previous president of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, reported McFarland offered to fill the position pro-bono. “I would like to give back to the denomination that invested itself in me. It will not cost the SBC a penny, and I can virtually guarantee giving to the Cooperative Program will go up,” said McFarland.
In my estimation, the ERLC couldn’t find a more qualified candidate. He’s been with Southern Baptists since his conversion to Christ. He has zealously proclaimed the Gospel of Christ in over 2,000 churches both nationally and internationally. Having been the third president of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Matthews, North Carolina, which specializes in apologetics, and served as director of apologetics at North Greenville University in South Carolina, McFarland has been teaching believers how to effectively defend their faith for quite some time.
Moreover, he has never hesitated to boldly address the controversial social issues of our day from a solid Christian worldview.
His resume is stellar, and lest I be perceived as exaggerating, I’m only mentioning a fraction of what he’s done for the cause of Christ.
Still, one other thing should be added. Some leaders can be quite knowledgeable but not so communicable; not McFarland. He’s been a frequent spokesperson on Fox News and interviewed by numerous national media outlets, including “Fox and Friends,” Billy Graham’s Decision radio broadcast, Focus on the Family radio, NPR’s “All Things Considered,” The New York Times and The Washington Post, to name a few. He’s a prolific author, having written numerous books on Christian themes and been a contributing writer to the L.A. Times, Boston Herald, OK! magazine, Charisma, On Mission, Billy Graham’s Decision magazine and many more.