‘Where Is Your God Now?’ Shameless Antifa Attack Children at Christian Prayer Event in Portland

‘Where Is Your God Now?’ Shameless Antifa Attack Children at Christian Prayer Event in Portland By  for Faith Wire

Shocking video shows Antifa members assaulting a group of Christians, including children, who were gathering in Portland, Oregon Saturday for a scheduled prayer event.

The Post Millennial reports that Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski organized the event last month, giving antifa plenty of time to organize their attack.

Journalist Andy Ngo shared video of the large group carrying shields and weapons as they yelled profanity at the worshippers.

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The Christians can be heard praying as the Antifa members became more aggressive and violent.

Here’s a clip of one brave young boy who was attacked by these thugs.

A woman attending the event described the group as “ruthless.”

“Antifa just rolled in like an angry mob, started throwing flash bombs at everybody, macing everybody … rotten eggs,” she said. “They threw a flash bomb into a group of kids that were out there from four months old to like 10.”

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