We Are So Busy…
We are so busy with glorifying the devil we overlook the beauty that God creates right in our own neighborhood. The whole idea with busting up the family is to shred the family. When both parents work and the state becomes the dad, all by design, then our nation becomes a different place. We need to get back to God, get back to the family and get back to church.
— Mae North (@MaeNorth13) August 8, 2021
We are more united than we are divided – regardless of what the TV says.
Slavery knocking on our door. #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere #NoMandatoryVaccine #LeaveOurKidsAlone pic.twitter.com/oR2uP7g6QR
— Informed Consent 💉💉💊💊 (@Ireland2020) August 9, 2021
When you are running from Jesus Christ a person do anything. Everyone is seen as an enemy, no one is seen as your brother or sister. When a group of people filled with hate for Jesus Christ gather together it could a very dangerous situation. Jesus is always there, wether they believe it or not. He is calling to them, it is unfortunate they refuse to hear.
“Go hit that car! Go hit that car!”
Armed Antifa in black run around with weapons chasing down cars after our #LetUsWorship last night.
They wait until it’s over and people are alone going home! COWARDS!! pic.twitter.com/CzAFtByZYL
— Sean Feucht (@seanfeucht) August 9, 2021
Or they could act out in a completely different way and deny their own humanity.
The White House hired another influencer to promote vaccines pic.twitter.com/LK7JOOcGz1
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) August 9, 2021
SHARE SHARE SHARE FOLKS 👍 pic.twitter.com/46AmmXxtka
— 🏴 Cheeky-Mac 🏴 (@maccheeky1) August 9, 2021
It wouldn’t be either 2020 or 2021 without news about the Wuhan Communist Virus or the deadly vaccine associated with this nightmare. Here is today’s offerings.
Please Read https://t.co/FimYgKMe2m
— Shelley (@Theshells1111) August 9, 2021
Dr Scott Jensen – a good doctor. pic.twitter.com/2jzsYGygUS
— AqAir (@AqAir7) August 9, 2021
👇👇🤔👇👇 https://t.co/JcTZgN2lZY— Despicable Deplorable Duck (@DepolableDuck) August 9, 2021
Has anyone seen the seasonal flu in the past year or so? No. Nothing to see here.
WAKE UP PEOPLE! 👇 pic.twitter.com/UqsmpPOk9j
— John Adams (@adamseconomics) August 8, 2021
Absolutely, no one is asking the million dollar question
Where did the flu go? pic.twitter.com/jSb6PfZWyE
— CONNIE’S CORNER (@CRRJA5) August 9, 2021
I never thought I’d say this but…
I stand with the Obamas against any mask mandates, social distancing and medical passport system! pic.twitter.com/pbCWfxl7i2
— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) August 9, 2021