The biggest lie about COVID

The biggest lie about COVID By Maker S. Mark for American Thinker

Excluding the origin story of COVID, I believe the biggest lie in the handling of COVID is the lie around asymptomatic spread — i.e., you could have the virus and not know it and kill people.  This has been the great distraction of COVID, and it is being used even today to distract from major issues.

For those who have been monitoring the research, we have suspected since fairly early on that having otherwise healthy people and asymptotic people wear a mask has no known benefit in preventing viral spread.  Even the peer-reviewed journal articles on the CDC website testify to this.  If this statement was true then and is true now, then how did the CDC come to recommend in April of 2020 that healthy people wear masks?  Why does the CDC continue to recommend mask-wearing?  Just as importantly, how did we the people come to believe that forcing healthy people to wear a mask might be necessary?

The “scientists” at the CDC have demanded we suspend our understanding of all known viral transmission knowledge and believe that asymptotic spread is possible, and therefore we needed everyone to wear a mask to “slow the spread.”  “Slow the spread” has been a popular and hugely successful slogan, but appears to have no basis in scientific reality.

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Many of us knew this to be a lie by mid-2020.  In December 2020, the CDC acknowledged the lie that had occurred.  Asymptotic spread does not occur with COVID — i.e., only people with symptoms are contagious!  This report in The Federalist is illuminating, and if true, this should be a focus of efforts in combatting the hysteria around the delta variant.

It appears to say you are contagious with COVID in the same way you would be with strep throat, the flu, a cold, etc. — when you have a fever and other symptoms.  This revelation was huge, yet the connection to the big lie has not been made that I can find, and so I try to make the connection here.

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