Green Pastures (Video)

Green Pastures Video by HouseFires

When I feel alone, I’m never alone,
You are right beside me
Standing in the fire and with the ashes
You make something beautiful

No matter where I go
You’ve already been
There is no shadow you aren’t standing in
I wont fear tomorrow
You know what lies ahead.
Green pastures, still waters, are your promises.

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You are God with me, Emmanuel
Beginning to the end
When you whisper peace, you still my heart
The power of your presence, it is revealed

Lord take my broken cup and fill it with Your love
Only You can make me whole again,
Lord take my broken cup and fill it with Your love
Only You can make me whole again

No matter where I go
You’ve already been
There is no shadow you aren’t standing in
I wont fear tomorrow
You know what lies ahead.
Green pastures, still waters, are your promises.

There will be peace again.
There will be peace again.
There will be peace again.
There will be peace again.
There will be peace again.

No matter where I go
You’ve already been
There is no shadow you aren’t standing in
I wont fear tomorrow
You know what lies ahead.
Green pastures, still waters, are your promises.

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