Fascist Calling Christians Fascist…
This is where it started on Saturday…then, as you will see it moved into Sunday and everything changed.
On Saturday in Portland, antifa gathered to violently shut down a Christian group that gathered to pray. Antifa can be seen pulling apart the speaker equipment. An attendee told me children & families were attacked. Police were called but didn’t respond. pic.twitter.com/QvSCmu06B0
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 8, 2021
While Sean Feucht and the never ending Let Us Worship tour has been an amazing coast-to-coast revival tour, they are now beginning to attract attention – some truly amazing and some that brings out the really broken souls.
In the Great Northwest there seems to be a congregation of brokenness that is unique to our country. There is no other area in the U.S. that has more continuously violent mobs that roam the streets and randomly attack people for what they deem as “wrong think”.
Here is the latest evidence of what is happening.
Antifa using Twitter & Telegram are organizing another violent attack on a "Let Us Worship" Christian event in Portland on Sunday evening. The day prior, antifa violently assaulted attendees of a family prayer event at a park in downtown. pic.twitter.com/s58kjsuIUL
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 9, 2021
Fortunately, there are prayer warriors in the area where Sean and Co will be and to dissuade an attack by the local fascist the prayer warriors have appropriate training to persuade people to join them in prayer or move along.
Evangelical Christian worship singer Sean Feucht poses with a large group of men volunteering as security for the Christian event in downtown Portland on Sunday night. A large group mobilized in response to antifa assaulting attendees of a small family prayer event the day prior. https://t.co/gV7zldSBKp
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 9, 2021
And apparently the prayer warriors presence is making the fascist a little uncomfortable and they have elected to stay away. God wins again as the praise rises from the ashes of the fallen.
Antifa are outnumbered currently at the Sunday evening Christian worship event in downtown Portland. They have not shut down the event so far because they don't have enough comrades. The previous day, dozens of them assaulted attendees of a family prayer event. pic.twitter.com/o54Au67BZn
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 9, 2021
Just a reminder the unvaccinated are the problem…oh wait…
Lol pic.twitter.com/DDl35BmJHb
— Live Monitor (@amlivemon) August 8, 2021
Mask do nothing, just ask the obama’s while in attendance at the birthday bash over the weekend. Not a mask in sight. So, keep your comments, glares and uneducated smirks to yourself, I’m not interested nor do I care.
Is the pandemic only over for Obama or can the rest of us have massive no mask parties too? pic.twitter.com/rswYxq6SmZ
— David Croom – (ツ) (@dailycallout) August 8, 2021
They don’t care that Newsome partied at the French Laundry while you got the call that your mom died alone in her nursing home. They don’t care that Bowser was hanging w/ Chapelle while you’re wondering how to feed your family w/o the rental income you relied on. They don’t care.
— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) August 9, 2021
This is how we win!!
This is how we win. https://t.co/L6lDiEJHng
— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) August 7, 2021
For all those health conscience folks…
https://t.co/x3sstkL83b pic.twitter.com/9ErchruYTP
— Hooter girl (@HooterG) August 9, 2021
This woman has been on her knees, for all the wrong reasons, for entirely too long. She needs to stand, come to Jesus and get right. The lies she spews below are unbelievable. These satanic globalist, like harris, never, ever mention Delaware, the state biden hails from, as the voter laws in Delaware are some of the worst in the nation. But that’s okay, because…science?
VP HARRIS: “Here’s the truth: Not everyone can stand in line for hours to vote in person on Election Day. Nor should they have to.”pic.twitter.com/k2GtFlsH6c
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) August 8, 2021