Data Reveal the Truth About COVID Countermeasures

Data Reveal the Truth About COVID Countermeasures by Dr. Joseph Mercola

In this interview, Ivor Cummins shares his insights about the ineffectiveness of COVID countermeasures, and how to stay healthy in this time of COVID-19. While he does not have formal medical training, he’s well-trained in the scientific method and has a very analytical and logical mind. As common sense has become all too uncommon, we need people like Cummins to remind us what the obvious common-sense conclusions are, and how to logically interpret data.

He has a biochemical engineering degree, and has spent the last eight or nine years researching metabolic health. In March 2020, his wife became concerned about SARS-CoV-2, which led him start analyzing the data surrounding COVID-19.

“I did a quick check and found the Diamond Princess data,” Cummins says. “So, I put a ceiling on the infection fatality rate, maybe around 0.2%, massively stacked towards people who were elderly and infirm, and I told her, ‘No, this has nothing to do with us effectively. It’s going to be the equivalent of a bad flu, or severe flu season.’

And then I watched the lockdowns come in, which came straight from China. I watched as the seasonal problem in Europe collapsed as expected in April. And they didn’t want to take the lockdowns out.

Then they wanted more restrictions, and then they starting whooping about a vaccine … They then brought in masks in Northern Europe in the summer, and that’s when I knew we were in serious trouble because in Northern Europe, there was nothing going on.

The hospitals were empty. The ICUs were empty. We were in the seasonal kind of trough. Yet they brought in mandatory masks and everyone started wearing them. I stayed on it after that.”

What’s Behind the COVID Jab Narrative?

Cummins’ primary concern with the COVID-19 injections is that the benefit is basically nonexistent for healthy people under the age of 60. He cites data from Israel, where the vast majority of the population has been injected with the Pfizer mRNA concoction, that unvaccinated and “vaccinated” have the same infection rate, regardless of age. Empirical data from other countries also reveal the injections have no effect on transmission.

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“The pharma companies did acknowledge it may not affect transmission,” he says. “Mechanistically, it shouldn’t really affect transmission. And the real-world data say it doesn’t. So, the push to vaccinate is not based on any science, really, at all. It’s just based on a desire. And you’ve got to question that desire.

What is the obsession with trying to get everyone vaccinated? I feel that part of it has to do with profiteering and pharma influence, obviously. Part of it has to do with justifying a vaccine passport or permits.

And part of it, I think, is that there’s a fear that having a substantial control group, say 20%, 30% of people who are not vaccinated, will clearly show that the unvaccinated, unless they’ve got particular medical conditions, really are no worse off and are not causing transmission. So, I think there is a desire now to eliminate the control group.

A control group shows that your medication or your lockdown isn’t so hot. So, I think that’s another driver. A bit of desperation is coming in to get rid of the control group and just get everyone vaccinated, and then you can’t see the signal anymore.”

Official Control Groups Have Been Eliminated

This is in fact precisely what Moderna and Pfizer have done: Both have eliminated the original control groups in their initial COVID injection trials by giving controls the real mRNA shot. This was done even though the trials are officially ongoing for another two years. So, they have already eliminated the control groups in the trials against which to assess the effectiveness and safety of these injections. Cummins comments:

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