This Has Control of YOUR Children for 7 Hours / 5 Days A Week

This Has Control of YOUR Children for 7 Hours / 5 Days A Week

Schools being shut down in 2020 was awesome for some. It exposed these unhinged neoliberal’s and the indoctrination agenda. If you don’t see it, it is because you are willfully ignorant and do not care about your children or society as a whole. It is our children they want. These agents of the devil, these satanic globalist, don’t care about you and me, especially those that are over the age of 40. They see us as already dead anyway. Those taking the “vaccine” will learn soon enough what that program is actually about. Watch how the number of people dying from cancer, heart failure and a variety of other ailments sky rockets in coming months.

This person has control of a classroom, maybe your child is in that classroom. Maybe there are hundreds, if not thousands, more just like this person in classrooms all across the nation. Private school, home school, parental involvement ends this nonsense.

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Governor DeSantis is on fire and will not stand idly by as his state is crushed by the tyrants in Washington DC. I pray that our Governor follows a little more closely to what Gov. DeSantis is doing.

Is critical thinking in short supply? When do we begin thinking for ourselves and stop listening to the people on TV? This situation only stops, and people stop dying, when we turn away from the so called “experts”. Experts are not listening to God.

Anybody read The Book of Acts chapter 27? The Apostle Paul was surrounded by “experts” that steered their ship into a massive hurricane, in-spite of the fact that Paul, after hearing from the Lord, explained there would be countless lives lost and most of the cargo would be thrown overboard. The experts were wrong then and the experts are wrong now. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was right about the ship Paul was on and He is still right, still The Truth and that becomes clear when critical thinking cells are fired in the brain. Get to it and get closer to God.

If you’re not properly dressed in the Full Armor of God, please skip to the next entry. I’m serious. This is difficult to hear – organ harvesting is evil in ways that most people can’t even imagine. The beauty of this subject is organ harvesting in children is what brought me back to Jesus Christ and fully committed to Him. I will do my level best to stay as close to Him for the rest of my days. Maybe it will have the same effect on you or someone you know.

While there isn’t any cussing or bad language, it is a very, very difficult subject and you CAN NOT UN-HEAR.


More about the virus, vaccines and critical thinking skills being at rock bottom…

Can’t forget about the origins from past events. The same events are unfolding right now in front of your face – do you have eyes to see and ears to hear?

Here is the media a lot of people are consuming

Let’s go into the weekend with a little humor. Try NOT to “win” any arguments with your wife. hahaha

The moral of the story…drop Nike…just do it!! hahaha

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