for Giza Death StarLeave it to one of my favorite researchers, F. William Engdahl, to say what needs to be said, in this article shared by M.W. And what he’s saying is that Pg Pharma’s “science” is no less dubious than the “science” of Big Agribusiness when the latter was touting the wonders of GMOs:
And We Should Trust ‘The Science’ of the Pharma Industry?
There’s an unusual pattern here, and Mr. Engdahl states it right from the start of his article:
The forever-head of the US NIAID, Tony Fauci, has repeatedly demanded that the public “trust the science” as he shifts his own science opinion from one positon to another. What is never mentioned in mainstream media in the West or almost anywhere in the world is the scientific record of the major global vaccine making pharmaceutical giants. In short, it is abysmal and alarming in the extreme. That alone should prohibit governments from pushing radical untested experimental injections on their populations without extensive long-term animal and other testing to assure their safety.
What’s the pattern? The utter lack of intergenerational long term testing, the exact same problem we saw with GMOs, and one of the main reasons that Russia, for example, has basically called a moratorium on GMO crops until those effects can be genuinely studied.
But as with GMOs, when results began to contradict the corporate narrative of “their complete safety”, those results were buried by The Science’s ever-complicit media (whose sponsors, uncoincidentally, are often Big Agriculture and Big Pharma). Mr. Endahl points out the complete silence, and therefore complicity and liability of every media network that has not given equal time to those scientists and doctors questioning the push for the quackcines, though if one has followed them closely, there are emerging signs that they’ve woken up, and are quietly beginning to backpedal. They are, after all, not immune from lawsuits, unlike the Big Pharma companies. Watch for them to slowly begin to give the adverse reactions greater time on their “news” programs.