The Supernatural Church of Love and Power BERT FARIAS for Charisma News
I’ve been writing a lot and producing videos recently on the supernatural church of love, power and authority. It is something God is emphasizing in this hour to bring divine order to His body.
It is a gigantic, mushrooming move of God to separate the Spirit churches from flesh churches. If the emphasis is not local, though, you are missing the primary work the Lord is doing today. I can hear many pastors clapping right now.
But pastors, and I say this with all honor and respect—especially you micromanagers and in-the-conventional-box church leaders and control freaks (forgive me)—please hear me, you are going to have to die many deaths to allow the Lord to do what He longs to do in our local communities. Tried and true (hard to find these days) leaders with Ephesians 4:11 ministry gifts who possess a true revelation and spiritual understanding of the local body’s expression will be adorned with a new glory that will be more interested in truly building up local communities than the building and marketing of their own ministries.
By no means does this take away from body-wide callings that ministries have, both nationally and internationally, but if they are not an integral part of the local family of God, it’s a big-time miss for the hour we are living in, because we have no grid for what God is going to do in these last days. If it’s all about the marketing of your own ministry and getting ahead that way, you are off God’s frequency.
Love Is God’s Frequency
Please hear me out and gain wisdom and understanding. God’s frequency is love. If you’re self-centered, you can’t be trusted. Think about this: Why should God, or why would God, share His wisdom with self-centered ministers, laypeople and even shepherds who are only concerned about the church they lead and personal kingdom-building? We’ve got to think bigger in this hour! God is merging Ephesians 4:11 ministry gifts as one to equip the saints and enlarge the glory of His kingdom. Practically speaking, local pastors must be willing to allow greater access and influence of Ephesians 4:11 ministry gifts into their local body.