Agent Provocateur’s…
These are the people that caused most of the problems on January 6. 2021. This is the reason the Biden regime refuses to release more than 1,000 hours (according to Tucker Carlson) of video footage from both inside and outside the Capital Building.
Ask yourself the next time you go to the grocery store how many cameras you pass, how many cameras were staring you in the face and how many cameras do you presume may have caught a glimpse of you passing by this business or that business or bank or…
Only a handful of MINUTES of video have been released.
Yep… we wonder
— 💥Fraud VITIATES all💥 🌈❤️🇺🇸✨🌈 (@FibberMcGee2) August 3, 2021
President Reagan will always be considered one of the greatest American Presidents to those that know history.
— All In 🇨🇦🇺🇸 (@nancy95883148) August 4, 2021
It is surprising the book and movie (filmed / released in 1984) have not been censored into the dark.
Surprised they haven’t censored 1984. He did predict this would happen. WTFU Merica!
— Jolly Roga (@RogaJolly) August 4, 2021
Senator Malcolm Roberts 🇦🇺
I speak tonight on FREEDOM.
On many occasions in the last year I have addressed the Senate in regard to freedom as a counterbalance to medical tyranny & I recently addressed the Canberra Freedom Rally, remotely.— Teresa 2.0 (@Thorsome4) August 4, 2021
Whenever you see the IMF (International Monetary Fund) send out a tweet or publish another report rest assured that if you go 180 degrees from what they say you will more likely be correct in your assessment. e.g. if the IMF says “night” and you presume it’s “day”, odds are in your favor of being right. The IMF is an unelected group of banking thieves. They set policy and also report to two other global banking mafia organizations – Bank for International Settlement (BIS) and the World Bank. The pecking order is as such -IMF reports to BIS which reports to the World Bank. There sole purpose is stealing resources and wealth from every nation, every citizen on planet Earth. They are all unelected but set policy that directly impacts your life on a daily basis – actually it impacts your life every time you use currency – 100% of your transactions are impacted by these three mafia organizations.
take on more debt/inflate the currency
manipulate the flow of currency in and out market
ignore corruption encourage cronyism
Bring in global banks to steal resources
open border allowing low IQ migrants to invade nation
destroy the education system with Common Core— (@RoryTDC) August 5, 2021
This is one of the main people in charge of OUR HEALTHCARE How can we take someone like this seriously when it is obvious he is as evil as the rest.
— Elizabeth Farrell (@Elizabe32413720) August 4, 2021